Monday, July 28, 2014

The Raw Naked Truth about Christians

The Raw Naked Truth about Christians
(A Response to The Raw Naked Truth About Homosexuality By Bert M. Farias)
By Lord Kristoffer Jay Martin

This is a response to the article The Raw Naked Truth about Homosexuality by Bert M Farias. (

The truth is that Christianity is a destructive religion, with many people who claim to be Preachers, such as Bert Farias, who take the bible out of context and attempt to apply it to the here and now. They speak of “godly Christians” who “die a thousand deaths” when it comes to realizing a family member is gay, be it a son, daughter, sister, brother, etc. The fact is that homosexuality is an innate sexual orientation. It isn't a lifestyle.

These same preachers would have you believe that god, if there is such a being, hates gays. They assert absurdities that go against fundamental functions of our country's supreme law, assert things that are inherently not true, and otherwise use demonstrably archaic and fallacious arguments to attack homosexuals.

In the case of Bert, here, he asserts that because Denmark has passed a law saying religious institutions cannot discriminate against people because of their sexual orientation and must administer gay marriages (which isn't entirely true) that the US may follow in their footsteps. However this ignores two facts; one) in Denmark the vast majority of people licensed to officiate a marriage are the clergy of churches (of which there are several religions all of which are under the same requirements under the law) and there are few secular officials capable of marrying people. And two) the US has a First Amendment, that we are free to choose which religion we follow, including none at all. No religious person can be legally forced to do something that goes against their moral judgment. This is because under this same first amendment it states “No law may be made in respect of a religion”.

His secondary argument is a scare tactic that holds no merit. Might I also remind him that the bible does state “As it is written on Earth so to will it be written in Heaven” (Matthew 18:18). The law of the land is the law of heaven, the laws of man are the laws of heaven.

Gay rights and gay marriage are human rights and human marriage. As much as you dislike reality, the US constitution protects all people equally and by your own bible, the law of the land, our Constitution, is the law of heaven. If you are a Christian it is time to realize that there are those who would preach to you to condemn others in the name of god, and Christ, and there are those will tell you to love thy neighbor.

There are those who will tell you “The Bible says that homosexuality is unnatural. Men in gay relationships have given up the natural use of the woman and women the natural use of the man.” Ignoring the myriad of other biblical laws that they choose to ignore. The bible tells us we can't eat shell fish, or wear mixed fiber clothing, it tells us that divorce is wrong or that raped women should marry their rapists. It tells us slavery is not only okay but just and right and the slaves should obey their masters. There are four quotes that are arguably about homosexuality in the bible, just four, but dozens on divorce. Yet these so called preachers harp on and on about homosexuality.

Bert here says “Homosexuality is not ordained by God, nor is it even biologically right or natural. People are gay because they choose to be--not because they can't help it.” But this flies in the face of science. We know that homosexuality is not only innate, but we've even pinpointed the genes and traits that lead to homosexuality. Homosexuality is no more a choice than what color hair you're born with or what color your eyes will be. This is not about political correctness, this is about evolving how we think and how we approach reality.

Christianity is outmoded, outdated, and frankly, a harm to society. As is the case for most religions today. Most religions preach concepts that are thousands of years old that have no true relevancy today.
There isn't a single quote of scripture that exists in the bible that is truly relevant today. Not one, all of them that are applied to the world today by these preachers like Bert are taken out of context. Their meanings are muddied by the bigoted interpretation by these so called “loving” people who are just trying to do “god's work”.

The truth, people, is that homosexuality is here to stay, a part of our society. There will never be an end to it. It has been imbedded in humanity for all of history. It is a naturally occurring thing that exists in hundreds of species. Human Rights will never cease to exist either, the natural innate right to exist, to free will, to knowledge and growth and subsistence and life shall not be lost do to the actions of even the millions of Christians who harbour hate where they claim love lies. Why, because no matter how hard you try humans will always be human. There will always be gays born to christian and non-christian parents. They will grow up, they will live a human life and exist to experience and love and care for others. Some may fall victim to the vitriol and angst that comes from the christian world view about homosexuality, but most will escape and go on to lead loving long lives. Without the shackles of religion, without the shackles of Christianity, without the stupidity with which these arrogant peons who have no real care for anyone that doesn't agree with their world view, lorded over them from some high assumed moral pedestal. And when the day is done, when their lives come to a close, they will know that they loved someone who loved them back, without condition, without some religious ideology telling them to love them.

You, Bert, can take your god, your religion, and disappear into the annals of time. Take your living myth and leave the rest of us alone. Because eventually, inevitably, the christian god will be added to the ranks of the hundreds of other gods now dismissed as being nothing more than myth and legend. These last ditch efforts to criticize and attack with serpentine tongue are the anger filled howls of a dying beast we call religion.

Lord Kristoffer Jay Martin, B.A., M.A.

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