Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 In Review; New Years Post

Dear Readers

It's that time of year again, when we don our pointy paper hats, drink champagne and count down for an otherwise every day shift of time. Yep it's New Years.

2013 has been both an enlightening and devastating year. We've seen many ups and downs, amazing highs, and absurdly low lows. This is my 2013 year in review.

Here is how it works, I pair good and bad events together, a sort of pros and cons list and at the end I determine if this year was more or less positive or more or less negative. Here goes.

LGBTQ wins and losses

1 +/a)Gay Rights; yep 2013 has had a great up surge in rights wins across the United States. The Defense of Marriage Act was shot down, several more states, including the conservative state of Minnesota  pass marriage equality and many more are slated to pass this equal protection as more and more state supreme courts are shooting down unconstitutional laws that discriminate against gays.

These states include: (by Court Decision) California (June 28, 2013), Connecticut (Nov. 12, 2008), Iowa (Apr. 24, 2009), Massachusetts (May 17, 2004), New Jersey (Oct. 21, 2013), New Mexico (Dec. 19, 2013), Utah (Dec. 20, 2013).

(By State Legislature) Delaware (July 1, 2013), Hawaii (Dec. 2, 2013), Illinois (law will take effect June 1, 2014), Minnesota (Aug. 1, 2013), New Hampshire (Jan. 1, 2010), New York (July 24, 2011), Rhode Island (Aug. 1, 2013), Vermont (Sep. 1, 2009). &

(By Popular Vote) Maine (Dec. 29, 2012), Maryland (Jan. 1, 2013), Washington (Dec. 9, 2012).

Washington, DC legalized same-sex marriage on Mar. 3, 2010.
1+/b) The California supreme court determined that Proposition 8, the right wing conservative and religious movement to ban gay rights and marriage equality, was unconstitutional. This decision cemented California's marriage equality and created a lasting legal precedent for other states to follow as they push for equality.

1+/c) The United Kingdom passed marriage equality this year.

1+/d) Many states are outlawing gay conversion therapy. From total outlawing of the practice to barring the practice for minors who are often pushed into this sort of therapy against their wills. California's ban on gay conversion therapy was upheld in court this year after challenges of religious freedom violations. Again California has set a standard and precedent that other states are following. Conservative Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey is slated to sign a bill to ban gay conversion therapy and Ohio is also slated to ban conversion therapy, possibly as early as spring next year.

1+/e) Bonus: John Paulk, the former anti-gay leader and head of the now defunct Exodus International apologized for his push against gays in an interview. He's since shut down Exodus and is a voice against gay conversion therapy.

1-/a) Unfortunately there are still several states that are maintaining unconstitutional laws that discriminate against equal protection under the law for the LGBTQ community. One of which is my home state of Wisconsin.
They include: (by Constitutional Amendment and State Law)
Alabama (2006, 1998), Alaska (1998, 1996), Arizona (2008, 1996), Arkansas (2004, 1997), Colorado (2006, 2000), Florida (2008, 1997), Georgia (2004, 1996), Idaho (2006, 1996), Kansas (2005, 1996), Kentucky (2004, 1998), Louisiana (2004, 1999), Michigan (2004, 1996), Mississippi (2004, 1997), Missouri (2004, 1996), Montana (2004, 1997), North Carolina (2012, 1995), North Dakota (2004, 1997), Ohio (2004, 2004), Oklahoma (2004, 1996), South Carolina (2006, 1996), South Dakota (2006, 1996), Tennessee (2006, 1996), Texas (2005, 1997), Virginia (2006, 1997), Wisconsin (2006, 1979)
(by Constitutional Amendment only)
Nebraska (2000), Nevada (2002), Oregon (2004)
(by State Law only)
Indiana (1997), Pennsylvania (1996), West Virginia (2000), Wyoming (2003)

1-/b)In some states, police are using these laws to do "gay stings" arresting people for soliciting gay consensual sex. In some cases it's in states where debunked anti-gay laws are still on the books even though they're not legal and have been overturned by courts.

"On Saturday the Advocate, an LGBT magazine, uncovered a sting operation run by the sheriff of East Baton Rouge targeting gay men in Louisiana. Under the sheriff's orders, police officers would meet gay men in public parks and bring them back to their apartments, where they would proceed to arrest the victim on the grounds of Louisiana's anti-sodomy laws." (

1-/c)Anti-gay rights advocates, while losing ground in the US, have pushed for and gained ground in other countries with less strict laws on religious intervention on governance. These include; Russia, Sudan, South Africa, and sadly India. The leaders of NOM (National Organization for Marriage) along with conservative politicians have traveled abroad to voice their anti-gay beliefs.

1-/d) Russia is probably the biggest anti-gay news source this year. With the Sochi Olympics right around the corner, their anti-gay propaganda laws, which severely cripple any discussion about homosexuality in the country, has lead to many concerns. With arrests being made for wearing rainbow shirts or ribbons, for voicing opinions against the law, and jail sentences for foreigners as well as residents, Russia has gone back to a dark age for gay rights.

1-/e) Gay bashing, literally; both in the US and in Russia and world wide for that matter, violence against gays is on the rise. Many reports of teens in Russia being lured into traps, being kidnapped, then beaten and tortured on video, have become all too common. Uganda passed a law making being gay not only illegal, but punishable by the death penalty. It also legalized and institutionalized "rape" as a therapy to turn lesbians straight.

Women's Rights

2+/a) We've seen a surge of women's rights advocates arise in the US. Including Wendy Davis (D-Texas) who filibusters for over 11 hours a bill that sadly was passed in a special referendum. The bill killed dozens of abortion clinics by forcing unnecessary medical standards that the clinics have to meet to be open. This law dropped the total number of abortion clinics available in the state to just four.

2-/a) The closing of abortion clinics and the Texas war on women, and the greater US war on women by women. Many conservative women have taken on the mantle of calling their fellow women the whores of the US. Why, because they don't agree with abortion and with contraception. This has played a major part in another area the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare aka Romney Care, see later section.

2+/b) Equal pay is closer than ever before. As many states push for minimum wage increases, some with extensive increases, woman are getting closer to equal pay in the work force.

2-/b) Unfortunately equal pay also means a drop in pay for everyone as rich corporations push to lower over all costs and maximize productivity while paying less to all employees. The creation of minimum wage jobs is the equalizer in this equation.


3+&-/a) The initiation of the insurance market in October came with bad and good news. While many states didn't expand medicare and medicaid and open their own exchanges (mostly conservative run states) many states did, bringing health insurance to millions of uninsured people and lowering the total cost for health care and health insurance for millions more now able to search for and apply for insurance through the exchange. Unfortunately, because of the number of states that didn't expand or opt into the ACA, the federal run website was overwhelmed with traffic making it difficult if not impossible for some to sign up for health insurance. The site wasn't designed for the amount of traffic. But what was worse is the fact that GOP leaks exposed a Denial of Service attack on the site created by and perpetrated by anti-Obamacare proponents. It was estimated that over 4 million of the hits on the site in the first week were caused by DoS attacks.

3-/b) The Government Shutdown and other GOP obstructionism, including Austerity cuts. The GOP has shown time and again this year that it doesn't care about serving the greater good of the people, but instead was only concerned with political warfare. Every move they made for the majority of the year, including the government shut down, was their attempt to discredit and cause harm to President Obama. Despite their hopes to get him impeached or to force the hands of the Democrats, they've only proven their stupidity and uncaring nature. Not to mention their totally non-fiscally conscious attempts to repeal the ACA. With 47 attempts costing the US taxpayer nearly 70 million dollars, the GOP attempts to repeal the ACA is the biggest expenditure in US history to repeal one law.

3+/b) Despite the obstructionism caused by the GOP many good bills have gone through, and the Dems have changed the rules on filibustering, at least on presidential appointments, filling many open spots with liberal politicians, lawyers, experts, and judges. 

3+/c) The big one in this list I think is that the ACA is working, much to the chagrin of the GOP. Not only has it lowered over all healthcare cost increases, but has a projected affect on over all cost of health care going down. Further, because of the ACA, several states are working on or already have passed universal health care for all residents. Some slated already to be in affect as early as 2017. Millions of Americans who weren't able to get health insurance will now be able to with lower out of pocket costs.

3+&-/d) Economic recovery has been slow for the vast majority of the populace. While we've seen a rebound in jobs, over 70% have been in part time positions. Especially in heavily hit cities. Detroit is one of the biggest hit cities from the economic depression of the 2000s. This year it declared bankruptcy, a first for any major city in US history. Detroit lost over 80% of it's major industry over the last two decades. Car companies shifted jobs overseas derailing Detroit Steel, and labor unions. Detroit, under emergency austerity measures being dictated by an emergency economic manager, has since taken away thousands of people's paid for pensions, insurance, and has even tried to auction off Detroit's museums to get money back for the city. Implementing quick fixes to cover over a long lasting problem. Detroit is a city without industry to keep it going. On the flip side, new non-profit organizations are taking a foothold in the city. Some of which are providing free housing to writers and artists if they would be willing to move to Detroit.

Weather and Environment

4+ & -) Global warming/climate change researchers got a boost this year with more data and their weather predictions coming true. Unfortunately this boost in recognition came with many opponents from conservative sources dishing out misinformation.

None the less the weather machine churned out many massive storms this year. Check out Huff Posts' list here.

5-) Monsanto wins big, people lost big. Monsanto won several court cases against them this year cementing their place in our food production and our use of their pesticides. Including several that are killing bees.

5+) This year a Malaysian company built an urban vertical farm slated to feed millions of people.

6+) Green energy hit parity, matching and then beating energy production costs of fossil fuels and dirty energy sources. With new innovations hitting new highs in efficiency (30% energy conversion) for solar panels, we'll soon see more and more solar panels and local energy production. Germany reached 400 megawatts of power per 1 million people. That's 32234.28 TW of potential power annually. If the US were to reach this same potential green energy production density, each year we'd produce 124800 TW of power, or four times the total power consumption in the US (including fossil fuels for heating). That'd be from solar power alone, let alone the additions of other power sources. Such as; wind turbines, geothermal, nuclear fusion, and hydroelectric sources (both dams and tidal). Now, only if we could do that in the US.

7) The number of environmental and weather wins and losses is massive, too massive for my list.

Social and Tech:

8+&-)The PS4, Wii U, and Xbox 1 all came out this year. All promised many things, much of which gamers didn't like and they had to change. The new generation of game consoles are more like computers than their predecessors with a first of shared tech between the two major players, the PS4 and Xbox One. This means more cross platform games but it also means an end to an era of gaming. The comparisons of performance are so minute in difference that the two consoles are almost indifferent.

9) Apple loses ground on competitors and makes the OS free, while it's competitors ever increase in numbers, with Chrome OS netbooks and tablets abound. Windows 8 replaces windows 7 and updates to 8.1.

10) Justin Bieber retires at a ripe old age of 19.

11+) Al Jazeera America started this year bringing back old fashioned reporting of the facts without spin.

11-) Fox News is still on air and has a mass of spin off news sources spreading misinformation. 

For more tech advances check out
For more tech failures check out

2013 Conclusion:

2013 has been a dynamic year, filled with both personal triumphs for some, and devastating failures for both individuals and the country at large.

However, one event sums up the whole of this year and the message that we as a country have sent and it is one of positiveness. Of triumph over evil and the tyranny of certain few. That is, of course, BatKid.

What was intended to be a little known special event to celebrate 5 year old Miles Scott's recovery from cancer, turned into a nationwide event. Millions of people participated in one way or another to help Batkid take down the Joker, the Riddler, and save a damsel in distress. Elevating, at least for a small time, this little boy to superhero status. This celebration of his fight against his cancer and being able to play Batman represents the greater view that people want fairness and the righteous to win out. While we might have an issue with what is and isn't right, ultimately people at large will vote for and strive for what is right.

PS: Yes I left out things in this list. Please don't judge. I can't cover everything.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Faux Fags and Gay Sex

Honesty Blog 1

Gay sex...yep, gay sex that is what this post is about. Let's talk about gay sex.

So two gays walk into a no, not that no...

I had this interesting conversation with a friend of mine, a gay friend, he said "I so miss being with
a real homosexual"
I asked, "Oh, you found a fake homo, an Artificial homo? Is there like a market for those like an
 artificial xmas tree?"It's a Faux Fag""

Here's the thing, gay is gay, there is no such thing as the Faux Fag...though I suppose people said the
same thing about fake news...oh right Faux News...

A person can be gay and act in any number of ways. The stereotypes that exist about how gays act, stemming
from the shows like Will and Grace or Rupaul's Drag Race. These stereotypes don't reflect the fact that
homosexuality exists in every culture. There is no stereotypical dyke, no expected flamo glitter boy.

So the man stick's his cock no not that...

Mental floss check, gays make up 16% of the US population, or nearly 35 million people. Of that about 1.2 million
are out of the closet and openly gay.

So funny story, the first time I gave head the guy's dick was basically a soft fleshy gummy worm.

"What do you mean it looks nice, it's not hard yet"
"I was just being polite".

No, okay so gay sex...not much different than heterosex. You know straight guys like sticking it up the pooper

Some gays will act "straight" others super-gay. Some straights act "gay" when they're not. We shouldn't judge
people based on how they act, because you don't know who that person is. You don't know if they were raped at
age four by their step dad who was a murderous douche bag. You don't know if that person grew up with a single
mom, or no parents at all. You don't know if they love Chaucer or Power Rangers or Anime or Star Trek.

Pinning a stereotype on a person is glossing over who that person is. Just like there is huge range of how
straight people act, so is the case with gays.

We have our embarrassing moments, those moments when we're discovering who we are, what we like, who we like.
We grapple with our first kiss, our first wank, you know when you realize that your dick feels AWESOME when
rub it just in the right way. It feels even more awesome when it gets hard and you look at porn, that sensual
sexual carnal humping. When any nudity, this natural state, makes you so hard that your cock presses against
your jeans so badly it hurts and you can't help but to adjust yourself. Even if it's in the middle of the mall
and you're hard because you saw a mannequin that was sort of hot.

We all grapple with these moments. Like the first time you're used by someone to get off and then left high
and dry by the douche. Or the first time you penetrate someone and it feels so weird, nothing like your hand.
And you try and you try, humping slow,  humping fast, humping with a weird rhythm. Your partner moans, pretending
for a moment it feels good, maybe it does, maybe they're just being nice and you keep going while the alcohol
is making you feel tired and exhausted and farty, and you're hoping you won't fart. You clench your own ass,
feeling the gas build up and you hear your partner moan again, and you moan, not because you're about to cum
but because your ass hurts from the pressure. Yeah we all struggle with that.

We struggle with the first time putting a condom on, getting the damned thing out of the packaging which for some
reason doesn't have a perforated edge that's obvious to a drunk guy. No of course not. We have to deal with nudie
pinups in the men's bathroom that no one really want's to see unless they are drunk in some dive bar. We've
all experienced the inexperienced kisser, the slobber gobber, too much spit in the saliva exchange.

We're all nervous about the first time, and brag about it when it didn't really happen. We've all had to hide
our boners in class, wanting a wank in the back of the library, or in the bathroom stall. And  when we see our
crush we get embarrassed and blush. Being gay isn't different than being straight, no biblical statement exists
that can exterminate our humanity.

We want to walk hand in hand, to dance at our proms, we want to live without fear, without needing to scan each
corner we turn, peak around each every door, to have happiness and live life assured. Why should we be treated
any different than the straight boys and straight girls? Why should we be society's toys, unfurled by stupidity
that's so fluidly washing over political practices and religious factlessness? What's the PC thing to say
to the discriminators and haters and masturbators that love the blood and violence that comes with being decloseted?

So gay sex, yep gay fucking sex, fucking fuckers fucking the fuckers. No more dirty than the straight sex
we use everywhere, titties on a big screen. 'Merica says we love the boobs, we have to have them for everything, in
magazines, on the tv, behind the football players, and in the movies. Shssh no one needs to know you're'all sort of gay.
Who wants to see a little needle dick penetrate a girl's pussy anyway? Maybe that's why Catholic priests go after little boys,
their mouths are like pussies, yeah.

No fucking way, no, what, no.


I tell you my head hurts anymore. Stupid people are everywhere. Every day I feel my IQ points slipping away. I read stupid posts,
hear stupid statements from supposedly respectable professionals. I feel my IQ points slip away, and I wonder how the fuck I don't
have the job I need. How do these losers who have no sense, no logic, pandering to their bosses, unwilling to speak the truth
without spinning it for some audience, have a fucking job? I have to wonder how our politicians have reached the station that they're
at now. How did they get elected when they do nothing. How can we change the stupidity with which our country is run, our society is rung
our culture is run, if no one can seem to recognize the stupidity therein.

Jokes aside, real stories aside, I can't handle the stupid anymore. I can't.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Argh: Stupid People Need to Go Away! Prepost Five, debunking Scott Lively

Dear Readers,

I took a break to start working on a new book~Yay~ but in my time away I've come across several terrifying and disturbing things. One of which is Scott Lively and Linda Harvey's latest claims and denouncing of anti-gay hate crimes in Russia.

"Harvey said that anti-gay violence in Russia has nothing to do with the country’s anti-gay laws, while Lively explained that actually the only violence occurring is “gay-on-gay crime.”

“Russia does have nationalists, these are Nazis, the same as I wrote in the book ‘The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality and the Nazi Party,’ that’s the same thing,” Lively said. “The guys that are beating up gays in Russia—and it’s not any more prevalent than it ever has been really and it isn’t all that prevalent at all—but the ones that are doing it are butch homosexuals who are beating up effeminate homosexuals, the same thing that happened in Germany; this is gay-on-gay crime, at least that is what it appears to be.”"

Not only did they make the comparison of homosexuals to Nazis, but claimed the radical anti-gay groups, including Neo Nazis in Russia are "gay" and that the hate crimes they're committing are no more common now than they were prior to the law changes in Russia. Meanwhile hundreds of crimes are being committed each day against the LGBTQ community. Lynchings, beatings, rapes, vandalism, and so on. Since the laws passed the number of hate crimes have skyrocketed. The Guardian reported on this recently (read here:

The fact is that these fearmongering twats are trying to play down the violence and inhumane treatment of gays in Russia while at the same time trying to equate gays to Nazis to further their agenda of homosexualitymisia.

They disgust me.

Ld. Martin

Monday, November 11, 2013

Against Religious Propaganda: A Rebuttal to and Linda Harvey Part IV

Part 4) Cultural Health, Marriage, Law and Homosexuality.
The religious right who oppose homosexuality attempt time and again to connect it to disconnected and unrelated things to make it out to be some ultimately bad thing. So this section of my rebuttal will deal with her section on her website. Rather than directly countering every article and it's arguments, I'll give a brief summary of each article and then react to the whole bloody thing. 

A Consistent Pro Life Ethic Stands Against Homosexuality, Always: PRO-LIFERS NEED TO BE ACTIVISTS FOR TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE.

Summary: Linda Harvey in this article asserts that the heterosexual state is a god given gift, and that somehow homosexuality is a front to this gift, much like abortion. By allowing same-sex marriage, we deny the new life that comes from "traditional-marriage" and disrespects "god".

Designed by God, Male and Female
This article is the same run of the mill "god created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" argument.

Freedom to Marry, or Freedom to Spin?
In this article she makes four points and arguments against them. They are:
1. Are homosexuals being denied the freedom to marry?
2. [Paraphrased] Is the comparison of same-sex marriage equivalical to the bi-racial marriage of our early 20th century history?
3.  [Paraphrased] Does the constitution's guarantee of equal protection under the law apply to same-sex couples and marriage?
4. What about the effect on kids?

If You Support "Gay Marriage," You Also Support...
In this article she asserts several things that you support if you support gay marriage. Which includes: support of homosexuality spreading and the push for transgenderism. The continued rise in people getting HIV. An "immediate" increase in the number of Christians and conservatives sued over their discrimination. More people claiming to be gay. Churches silencing themselves on the "sin" of homosexuality. And the eventual persecution of people who are still against homosexuality.

Should California Declare Homosexuality 'Marriage' in Light of HIV/AIDS Data?
This particular article is very heinous in my opinion. Linda Harvey, simplified, is that because HIV/AIDs has a higher incidence in gay men that marriage for same-sex couples somehow will cause this to increase.

Statement on Supreme Court Marriage Decision
This particular article is plain bunk. The summary is essentially "God hates gays and the supreme court doesn't seem to care".

The Forgotten Victims of "Gay Marriage" WHAT ABOUT ALL THE CHILDREN OF AMERICA?
This article makes leaps to assert that because of the push for equality in the US children will be harmed. The normal gender roles will be forgotten and that we're teaching our kids that it's "okay" to be gay or transgendered etc.

The Sin-Based Family
Oh this one is a doozy, Linda asserts that by allowing gays to marry we're creating an unsound foundation for our society.

Wedding Cake Blues
A quote that summarizes this entire article by Linda Harvey in a few short words " Then Jesus Christ took hold of my life, and among many revelations, I saw homosexuality for the God-offending home-wrecker and life-wrecker it is. It’s becoming a nation-wrecker as well."

To point 1) Since god doesn't exist and christianity is a farce, the assertion that heterosexuality is a god given gift and that homosexuality is comparable to abortion is absurd. The marriage of two gay men to each other or two lesbian women also doesn't prevent the life that would come from a union. With the invention of genetic manipulation, either same sex couple could have a child. Two men can combine their semen using new techniques hand put it into a donor egg shell and get a child, as can two women combine their DNA in side one of their eggs and get a child. In vitro insemination and the use of a surrogate is also common and possible. These married couples offer new homes to the millions of kids who need to be adopted.

In fact, same-sex marriage, which grants the same rights that heterosexual couples have to gay (same-sex) couples would also grant the same rights to adopt in the country. Further still, all available and peer reviewed studies on kids raised by same-sex couples show no more incidence of gay kids being raised and they show kids more open and tolerant of other people. In a few studies kids raised by gay couples out performed kids, academically, whose parents are straight.

( From the last source given in my parentheticals "Twenty–three empirical studies published between 1978 and 2000 on nonclinical children raised by lesbian mothers or gay fathers were reviewed (one Belgian/Dutch, one Danish, three British, and 18 North American). Twenty reported on offspring of lesbian mothers, and three on offspring of gay fathers. The studies encompassed a total of 615 offspring (age range 1.5–44 years) of lesbian mothers or gay fathers and 387 controls, who were assessed by psychological tests, questionnaires or interviews. Seven types of outcomes were found to be typical: emotional functioning, sexual preference, stigmatization, gender role behavior, behavioral adjustment, gender identity, and cognitive functioning. Children raised by lesbian mothers or gay fathers did not systematically differ from other children on any of the outcomes. The studies indicate that children raised by lesbian women do not experience adverse outcomes compared with other children. The same holds for children raised by gay men, but more studies should be done." (Emphasis added.)

Number 2 and 3: God didn't create man as it doesn't exist, ergo the argument is moot.
Rebuttals to the four talking points and her answers.
1. Are homosexuals being denied the freedom to marry?
Linda Harvey argued that they're not denied, because they can marry the opposite sex as anyone can. However, this ignores the very purpose of marriage, which is love and care for a person. She seems hung up on a "biblical" interpretation of marriage (while ignoring all of the many different types that exist in the bible) which isn't relevant to today's culture. We've moved from the procreation/human property basis of marriage to the secular cultural need which is a psychosocial function ingrained in our social interactions. It is a reflection of our personal relationships and not of the greater social dynamics. 
2. [Paraphrased] Is the comparison of same-sex marriage equivalical to the bi-racial marriage of our early 20th century history? Linda says that they're not, while the bi-racial discrimination, an extension of discrimination against blacks was justly abolished, same sex marriages and homosexuality are absolutely sin.What Linda is ignoring is that if you go back seventy years, a hundred years even, it was christian ideology that was used to not only support segregation and discrimination against blacks, but to even perpetuate an argument for the reinstallation of slavery. If something unjust is in the bible and you ignore it or dismiss it, then you should probably dismiss further biblical injustices. Including the discrimination against gays.
3.  [Paraphrased] Does the constitution's guarantee of equal protection under the law apply to same-sex couples and marriage?  Linda says no on this one, I disagree. The constitution doesn't establish any law in regards to religion. So technically speaking, if a religion's beliefs are intrinsically involved with a specific belief, like polygamy, the constitution protects that belief structure. The laws surrounding marriage that are federal and state based aren't based on religion but on secular laws and secular social systems. As such, the laws must legally reflect equal protection under the law. According to the 14th Amendment everyone has a right to LIFE, LIBERTY, and the Pursuit of PROPERTY. Well guess what, one's life is one's own property and therein freedom (ie Liberty). How, Where, When, Why and with Whom that life is spent is up to each individual and those around them. No law can deprive those rights. Marriage is an extension of such rights and more importantly freedoms. Therefore, constitutionally speaking, marriage, as a privilege, falls under the purview Liberty and Life.
4. What about the effect on kids? As I've shown in part one of this post, kids according to all of the studies, aren't affected by gay people, parents or otherwise. 

Number 3: If You Support "Gay Marriage," You Also Support...Here is the problem with the assertions she's made. All of them are based on a slippery slope fallacy. If X, then a b c d e f g h i j k .... will happen and all society will fall apart.

Let's first address the spread of HIV. HIV isn't intrinsically tied to gay men. It is tied to communities that advocate abstinence only sex education and the social stigmatization of being homosexual.
The heaviest concentrations of HIV in the US are found in the south east. This region of the US has the greatest social stigmas around sex. They tend to advocate for abstinence only sex ed, fail to teach people about safe sex, the use of condoms, and so on. These same region also have the highest incidence of gay bashing and discrimination. What does this mean; it means that gay kids who are experimenting with their sexuality are doing so without appropriate education to keep themselves safe, and they're doing it in secret. This also means they're less likely to be tested on a regular basis for STIs in general and continue to have unsafe sex spreading STIs including HIV. In other words, if you support Abstinence Only Sex Ed, you support the spread of HIV.
Gay marriage actually supports stable long term relationships. This means more monogamous gay couples not having multiple sexual partners and ultimately it reduces the spread of HIV and STIs.
Kids are going to come out as gay regardless of if gay marriage is legal or not. This is because it's an inborn genetic trait. It isn't taught, it isn't conditioned.

Yes if you do support gay rights you support an environment where religious ideology can't be used to discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation. Just like if you support women's rights or black rights you don't support an environment where religious ideology isn't used to discriminate against those groups based on their skin tone or gender. Does this mean we'll see more christians and/or conservatives sued over discrimination? Will we see churches silenced on their social opinions in regards to the "sin" of homosexuality? Of course it does. You don't hear too many churches today claiming that blacks should go back to Africa or be enslaved again. You don't hear too many churches today claiming that women shouldn't be allowed to vote or only allowed to work menial jobs. These opinions, like their historical counterparts will eventually disappear. And just as blacks had to sue over segregation and sue companies and businesses who still wanted to keep them from using their facilities, so will gays. It's that simple. If you discriminate you'll be hit by lawsuits. 

This leads me to number 7: The Sin-Based Family

Gay marriage actually stabilizes and already failing institution. Where one in every three marriages end in divorce, and over half end in long term separations, marriage is a dying practice. There is no sanctity in marriage, and gay marriage only helps to stabilize and boost marriage stats. As a foundation, fair marriage and monogamous relationships create more stable households. and actually support a strong economic and cultural foundation in this country. Gays tend to have more disposable income, and when they are married they tend to invest and purchase houses. Over all this so called "sin-based family" and Linda's argument is bunk. 

Number 5: Statement on Supreme Court Marriage Decision
This is simple, the Supreme Court stated clearly that same sex marriage was legal and gay partners had a right to marry. End of discussion here.

Number 6: The Forgotten Victims of "Gay Marriage" WHAT ABOUT ALL THE CHILDREN OF AMERICA?
Okay, I've already shown that children aren't harmed by gay parents as all studies show, or at least those studies not rigged or lied about. So let's discuss gender roles.
Gender roles are a social system where each gender has an apparent social role and expectation. Women are the mothers, the housewives, the cooks and cleaners. Men are the breadwinners, the earners, the fathers. The former are gentle the later hard and rigid. The former emotional the later emotionless. These reflect the hunter gatherer social constructs. However, in our current age, both men and women can be the breadwinner, both men and women can be the stay at home parent. The gender roles have been rewritten for decades and this argument is an extension of early post-modernist (post WWII) conservatives. It has no real reflection on gender roles today. The attack also seems to stem from the push for gender neutral toys, like legos for both boys and girls. An ez-bake oven for boys, etc. This isn't a reflection on homosexuality, but a greater social shift and neutralization of gender roles.
However, Linda would love her readers to believe that this shift is being caused by and promotes homosexuality and transgenderism. Ignoring the long history of gender specific social roles switching genders. From actors to sewers to bakers and chefs etc. As our society moves away from rigid gender roles and accepts more neutral roles, the old gender roles are made irrelevant. This isn't going to be stopped by hating or discriminating against gays.

Attacking transgender kids isn't also going to help. These kids have a good deal to worry about in their lives, dealing with bullies, discrimination from many different groups of people, and targeting them to attack them and the greater LGBTQ community is deplorable. These kids need support as they develop, not to be attacked and lied about. 

Number 8: Wedding Cake Blues
A quote that summarizes this entire article by Linda Harvey in a few short words " Then Jesus Christ took hold of my life, and among many revelations, I saw homosexuality for the God-offending home-wrecker and life-wrecker it is. It’s becoming a nation-wrecker as well."

I have an answer for you Linda, it's because more and more christians are realizing that the biblically incited hatred of people based on their sexual orientation, founded in the misinterpretation of the bible, is both stupid and damaging to the religion. It is contrary to the foundational teachings of christ and ultimately isn't a valuable part of the religion, much like the beliefs that people should own slaves or that women should only have certain roles in society.

Well that's it for this post. Until next time and thanks for reading.
Lord Martin

Monday, November 4, 2013

Christian Agenda bullies teen after legal protest.

When we hear about civil rights being violated it comes often at the expense of certain groups of people. As the reported, a teen in Texas was suspended for ripping pages from his personally owned bible after other studends told him he was going to hell. See the full article here: Teen Says School suspended him because he Tore Pages from his Bible

I'll use this in response to one of Linda Harvey's articles Hate Crimes, Bullying and the Thought Police

Dear Linda Harvey;

The sheer number of anti-gay articles on your page are staggering. And the fact is that your claims that homosexuality is a perversion or risky-lifestyle, or that homosexuality is "hate" and the "gay agenda" is to silence anti-gay people, is the embodiment of stupidity. You claimed that gays are bullying christians and conservatives, but the article above shows that it is the christian right that is doing the bullying.

I hope that you learn to be a better christian and take this to heart the next time you write an article condemning gays.

Lord Martin

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Against Religious Propaganda: A Rebuttal to and Linda Harvey Part III

Part 3) Hate Crimes, Bullying, and Free Speech; what you need to know.
This section will involve a debunking of several things all in one go. The number of "articles" on by Linda Harvey are numerous and most essentially provide the same message.  I'll start with her 
Are You A Pro-'Gay' Bigot?
TWENTY QUESTIONS TO GET HONEST WITH OURSELVES. I'm going to answer these questions and explain why they're all loaded questions.
This quiz is for those who care about current issues. Please pass it on to anyone you think should ponder these questions.

1. Do you believe in free speech about homosexuality for everyone except conservatives or Christians?
I believe in free speech in general. However, there are certain things that I don't believe are protected speech, such as hate speech. What is hate speech? Hate speech is anything that is slanderous, libelous, or defames a person that is unfounded in fact. So to ask the question above is actually a loaded question. I believe that any person willing to have a fair discussion based in reality can do so about any topic, including homosexuallity. Unfortunately christians often resort to fallacious arguments, unsupported by facts, and present those arguments as real. This sort of misinformation is a type of hate speech and it's not protected as free speech.

2. Do you participate in name-calling of those who object to homosexuality -- names like bigot, hate-monger, etc.?
I might utilize those terms to describe the actions of people who object to homosexuality, but I also use those terms in general to describe any person (christian or not) who attacks a group of people using racism, prejudice, and discrimination. People who spread hate based on false arguments is a hate-monger, a person who expresses hatred of a group of people, or prejudice (that is prejudgement) is a bigot. This goes for people who are anti-gay, anti-black, anti-immigrant, anti-mexican, anti-non-christian, etc. Again this is a loaded question, asserting that a descriptor is name calling is incorrect. 

3. Do you believe ‘gays’ have been deprived of the right to marry? Doesn’t pretty much everyone have the right to marry now -- to a person of the opposite sex? Yet another loaded question; to begin with the right to marry is described in the United Nations Universal Charter of Rights, it states that a person has a right to marry any person they so choose that is consenting to the marriage when both are legal adults. Secondly gays don't wish to marry a person of the opposite sex, but someone of the same sex. Because of a definition of marriage as being strictly heterosexual in the US (in violation of the UN's universal rights which the US and all UN members are required to adhere to) gays are deprived of the right. While yes they may marry someone of the opposite gender, this presumption of equality is in opposition to what marriage entails. Marriage entails a life long commitment to a person you're attracted to and are in love with. It is not a marriage of convenience, it is not a union for the sake of social outward appearance. Ergo equality under the law which is guaranteed in the US is not a reality in regards to marriage when it comes to LGBTQ people. 

4. Do you believe those who object to homosexuality are motivated by fear or ignorance? Do you believe they could never be motivated by compassion for the people involved, and if they say so, they must be lying?
I hold no beliefs whatsoever in regards to this. I adhere to evidence, and the overwhelming evidence is that fear and ignorance are a base drive for most people who are in opposition to homosexuality. They are driven by religious ideology which has instilled and instigated the fear and ignorance. This is done via proliferated and propagated fallacies and religious rhetoric. In some cases, say in the attempts to correct homosexuality through therapy, this may be driven by compassion or care for the person, but often this compassion and fear for the person and the push to "correct" homosexuality is again born from ignorance and ultimately harms the person in question. Ultimately, as all evidence shows, those who advocate against homosexuals and promote anti-gay attitudes also promote, directly and indirectly, very damaging actions by people against gays. From bullying to outright murder.  

5. Do you believe some people will just inevitably be homosexual, and that there’s a set percentage of the population that will always be ‘gay’, and that this won’t increase, even if a culture embraces ‘gay’ sex? Do you think homosexual experimentation could never become ‘chic’ and popular? Is there no risk for the people involved or our culture if this happens?

Wow loaded questions...where to start. 5:1) Yes, and as that population comes out of the closet, more and more people will be open about their alternate sexual orientations. Historically a good percentage of the population has be gay, bi, and transgender. However social pressures have kept LGBTQ people in the dark, even at times making it illegal to be so.
5:2)Homosexual experimentation is usually the result of kids and teens realizing their homosexuality. It isn't something that becomes "popular" or "chic" it is just there as any other teen's exploration of sexuality. 5:3) And no, there is nor risk, just as there is no risk with kids experimenting with their heterosexuality. Or at the very least the same risk as kids experimenting in general. Teens are naturally risky, they don't think things through, they're impulsive, that's how it works and always has worked. The only social risk that exists for gays is the perpetuation of anti-gay bullshit. 

6. Do you automatically dismiss any conservative comments about homosexuality without listening? Do you believe you are well-informed, while refusing to learn about what homosexuals actually do and the risks involved?
Well for a start, as a gay man, I know very well what homosexuals do. And trust me, when a conservative says what they do about homosexuality, I dismiss it outright for the sheer fact that I know from first hand experience what they're saying is wrong. Except for a handful of conservatives who actually are gay or have gay family members who know the reality of being gay, most conservatives, including Linda Harvey, rely on hyperbole and lies to construct their views about the LGBTQ community.

7. Do you believe that the tragedy of any suicide by someone involved in homosexuality is the fault of conservatives? Is the best solution to these tragedies to demand that everyone in America accept homosexuality?
First off, I believe that any tragedy of a person committing suicide is due to people not providing the necessary support to that person. This is regardless of if the suicide is related to homosexuality or not. That said, the rash of gay teen suicides as of late have been attributed to, through psychological studies, the bullying of these teens by kids who hate gays. Hate is a taught trait, and again as I've explained before, the message taught by conservatives and especially right wing christians, is that gays are bad or wrong and they deserve to be hated.
7:2) More importantly the best answer to prevent suicide in general is better education on the subject matter. Suicide is usually the last resort when people feel they have nothing to live for and don't deserve to live. By perpetuating the anti-gay rhetoric and teaching kids to hate gays you perpetuate the feeling of unwant or undeserving that these people feel. Especially in teens who don't have  the tools to cope with the stupidity of the world. Further still, demanding that people respect one another in general is part of what Christ taught.
Let me ask this question; would you want people to hate you because you're white? Your penis size? Breast size? Height, weight, hair color, eye color, religion? If you answered no, then you shouldn't hate people who are gay. 

8. Do you automatically dismiss the idea that anyone could be a former homosexual, despite the hundreds of groups started by ex-‘gays’ and the thousands who live in America?
Instantly; homosexuality is a naturally occurring sexual orientation and a genetic trait. So called former homosexuals have trained themselves to be "straight" but that doesn't dismiss their natural sexual orientation. The myriad of anti-gay groups (which number in the dozens not hundreds) are often have ideologies disproved by scientific research and sociological studies. Most so called "former" homosexuals eventually tire of the conditioning and revert back to being gay. It is a massive modern myth that one can change one's sexuality. 

9. Do you believe that homosexuals are born that way? Do you refuse to consider the evidence against this claim? Have you ever looked at the connection between child sexual abuse and later homosexual attraction?
What a loaded question again. 9:1) Yes, I do. All scientific evidence shows that it is a born trait. I can link to dozens of studies that show this to be true. 9:2) What evidence? Almost every single so called study by christian groups that claim to have evidence that disproves the genetic trait of homosexuality have been debunked. 9:3) There are only a handful of studies on the connection between child abuse (sexual and non-sexual) and homosexual occurrence. Several have been thrown out as the information was corrupted or the results presented in a misleading way. While there is a correlation between homosexuality and child abuse of any form (not just sexual abuse) there is no causal link. 

10. Do you believe that only churches that accept homosexuality have interpreted the Bible in the ‘correct’ way? Do you feel it isn’t necessary to read the relevant Bible passages yourself, all of which are straightforward in condemning homosexual acts? Do you believe it’s impossible to be “kind” and oppose homosexuality?
I'll answer this with a quote:

I know for a fact, as I've actually debunked in the first part of this seven part article that most of the anti-gay "relevant" passages are misrepresented by those who use them against gays. Since there is no "correct" way to interpret the bible (as Chaw points out) I don't really care about the bible as an authoritative source on the matter of homosexuality. In fact, it isn't necessary as the bible isn't authoritative and shouldn't be used to harm people when that action directly violates bigger more important teachings in the bible. Cherry picking passages only diminishes the bible's relevance even further. Is it possible to be kind and to oppose homosexuality, yes, but not in the ways demonstrated by most christians. Most christians who oppose homosexuality outwardly do so with ambivalence and arrogance. Moreover, and more importantly, as a christian it isn't your right to judge any person. 
Matthew 7:1-3
King James Version (KJV)
7 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

11. Are you quick to say “Judge not, lest you be judged” ( Matthew 7:1) and similar passages, without understanding the Christian theology behind it, and all the while being very judgmental yourself? 

Nope, though I do find it is often the case that christians ignore this passage and jump to cherry picking other passages to promote their hateful diatribes. 

12. Do you sincerely believe Jesus would have accepted homosexual sex acts? Do you believe Jesus is cool with whatever anyone wants to do? Do you believe there’s such a thing as ‘sin’ and if so, how is it defined? Are you the one who defines sin for yourself? Do you have no need of a savior and if not, wasn’t Christ’s death and resurrection pretty pointless? Despite all these contradictory and self-constructed beliefs, do you consider yourself a “Christian”?

Since he isn't around to ask, I refuse to assert any so called belief. I do believe that Christ taught a very specific message, to love thy brother, to judge not before evaluating yourself, to do to others the things you'd have them do unto you. Because he taught these things, acting as though you have an understanding of what the bible says about homosexuality which isn't true says far more about you the so called christian not following teachings of christ than it does about the homosexual.

Do I believe in sin; no, this is a human concept presented in the bible as a divine one. However that is a matter for a different discussion and probably it's own blog post. No I don't need a savior, I'm atheist, I don't believe I need to be saved from myself or humanity which seems to constitute the majority of the "sins" found in christianity. No, I don't consider myself a christian, at least not in the sense of the word as it is used here and now. I do believe that the tenants taught by christ are valuable, but not when they're cherry picked or ignored. I'm almost 100% sure that Christ didn't resurrect, he probably didn't even exist. 

13. Do you believe sweeping stereotypes, like that all ‘gay’ people are innocent victims or that all conservatives must be mean and stupid? No, however I do find that christians tend to believe sweeping stereotypes about gays, like we're all HIV riddles, or our lifestyles are all reckless. Ignoring the fact that few gay guys participate in the extreme lifestyles that some gays do. Most of us live the same old boring life everyone else does. 

14. Do you close your ears and figure it’s a conservative plot if you hear that at least 2/3 of all the HIV transmission in the United States still involves males having anal sex with each other? 
I don't close my ears, I know very well the truth behind HIV and it's spread. But I also understand that the majority of HIV is disproportionately spread in regions of the US that promote abstinence only sex education. I also understand that in general the amount of STIs in these regions are much higher than in regions that teach proper sex education and advocate the use of contraceptives like condoms. Who is responsible for the forced abstinence only sex education? Mostly christian conservatives. Who is then perpetuating the spreading of HIV and STIs in general, the same conservative christians. If we were to stop stigmatizing homosexuality and HIV more people would be tested, more people would have safe sex, and we'd stop the spread of HIV. Further, we now have functional cures and vaccinations against HIV. Further still, the number of heterosexual HIV infected people still technically outnumbers gays. We often overlook actual numbers versus percentages. The percentage of the gay populace might have a higher percentage, but the number of HIV infected heterosexuals in North America still out number the gay populace at nearly two to one. They just account for a smaller percentage of the greater populace. 

15. Do you believe anyone who objects to homosexuality is automatically “hateful,” while you seethe with hate yourself? This is a loaded question undeserving of an answer. 

16. Do you believe it’s okay for thirteen- year- olds to learn at school that they have the right to have homosexual sex with each other? Do you close your ears when concerned parents are outraged? Would you call such parents “ignorant” and accuse them of “censorship”? 
I believe that kids have a right to an accurate and adequate sex education. Which includes homosexuality and safe sex. This is called equality under the law and equal treatment in public education. No school teaches if it is right or wrong to have sex, but rather teaches about the inherent consequences from having sex and the practice of safe sex. I don't close my ears against "concerned parents" I argue against their outrage with REASON. And yes, I would call most of them ignorant, because the so called "concerned" parents are often anti-gay and do not understand the need for equality. 

17. Do you believe that, after several thousand years where most cultures have prohibited homosexuality, only now the ‘real’ truth is emerging? Do you believe this is not an arrogant, narrow or immature position?
Loaded question based on fallacy. For thousands of years most cultures didn't CARE about sexuality. In fact up until around 1500 CE homosexuality wasn't even outlawed in the christian world. So no, the belief that homosexuality is a natural state of being, an inborn trait, isn't arrogant or narrow or immature. Where as the presentation of false information, as this question presents, is narrow, immature, and arrogant. It's also historical revisionism. 

18. Do you believe that ‘gays’ are the target of widespread violence that goes unpunished in the United States? Do you understand that hate crimes stats don’t support this claim and that laws already exist to punish all crimes, no matter why they are committed? Would you be unconcerned about overall civil liberties if trumped -up charges of so-called “hate speech” were used to silence people?
Another loaded question: First off most hate crime stats show that gays are a target minority. The amount of gay hate crimes is extensive in the US.  From the Wikipedia page on the topic:
In 2004, the FBI reported that 15.6% of hate crimes reported to police were founded on perceived sexual orientation. Sixty-one percent of those attacks were against gay men, 14% against lesbians, 2% against heterosexuals and 1% against bisexuals, while attacks against LGBT people at large made up 20%.[2] Violence based on perceived gender identity was not recorded in the report.
The FBI reported that for 2006, hate crimes against gays increased to 16% from 14% in 2005, as percentage of total documented hate crimes across the U.S.[3] The 2006 annual report, released on November 19, 2007, also said that hate crimes based on sexual orientation are the third most common type, behind race and religion.[3]
In 2008, 17.6% of hate crimes were based on the victim's perceived sexual orientation. Of those crimes, 72.23% were violent in nature. 4,704 crimes were committed due to racial bias and 1,617 were committed due to sexual orientation. Of these, only one murder and one forcible rape were committed due to racial bias, whereas five murders and six rapes were committed based on sexual orientation.[4]
Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney (DDA) Jay Boyarsky attributed a surge in anti-gay hate crimes, from 3 in 2007 to 14 in 2008, to controversy over Proposition 8. However, the DDA cautioned against reading too much from small statistical samples, pointing out that the vast majority of hate incidents do not get referred to the District Attorney's office.[5]
In 2011, the FBI reported 1,572 hate crime victims targeted based on a sexual orientation bias, making up 20.4% of the total hate crimes for that year. Of the total victims, 56.7% were targeted based on anti-male homosexual bias, 29.6% were targeted based on anti-homosexual bias, and 11.1% were targeted based on anti-female homosexual bias.[6]"
The page has a comprehensive list of anti-gay hate crimes.

As I've already stated hate speech is not a protected form of speech. I've already defined it above. More importantly civil liberties are rights that can't be taken away, but acts of civil disobedience which threaten people because of their sexual orientation, or perceived sexual orientation, are not protected. 

19. Do you believe that conservatives are making a big deal out of a behavior that has no harmful effects on individuals, families, communities, or societies? Do you scoff at any claims that serious public health issues are involved, like sexually transmitted diseases or risks to children?
Another loaded question; First off conservatives are making a big deal out of homosexuality, because they're the new scapegoat. In the past conservative have picked different minority groups to attack and blame for social problems. First it was Native Americans and their menace against the expansion of the union, then it was African Americans and their push for their rights and freedoms and to no longer be slaves, then it was Women and their push for equality. Then it was African Americans again with the 1950s and 60s and the push for desegregation. All of them faced the exact same rhetoric that gays face now, all of them experienced the same hate crimes, and you could replace the moniker of "Black","Negro", "Feminist", "Ingen","Indian", with Gay or Lesbian or Transgender and you'd see the same complaints being used. The claims of "serious public health issues" etc are the same as well. Go back a hundred years and you'd hear people talk about the social ills that would befall the country if Women were allowed to vote, or allowed to own property, or allowed to work. Go back 150 years the same complaints were made about African Americans. 

20 And--very big question: Is your need for other people’s approval greater than your appreciation of truth? Do you refuse to consider an unpopular viewpoint because it might make you appear unenlightened to some people? If your mind and heart changed about this issue, would you have the courage to be a rebel for a worthy cause, to speak up and inform family, friends--and fellow humans who are involved in homosexuality?

Finally a good set of questions: I'd ask the same set of questions of the author of this quiz. Linda, do you feel so needy for the approval of other christians that you're unwilling to look at facts and reality when you posts things on your website? Do you refuse to consider the possibility that your understanding of your religion is wrong and based on a false narrative and do you refuse to consider this because it would make you appear unenlightened and unchristian in the view of your religious peers? If your mind actually changed about the matter based on facts and reality would you have the courage to renounce your former positions, and inform family and friends and audience that you were wrong about homosexuals and homosexuality?

You see if in fact you could convince me that my viewpoint was wrong then I'd be willing to admit it, but you'd have to provide pretty good proof for your claims and not use the bible. 

The purpose of this quiz is to educate. If you feel angry now, it could be you have some bigoted attitudes, much like the author of this quiz did before learning the facts. Maybe it’s time for a change of mind and heart- -and courage to go with them. God bless you in your sincere search for truth.

No, the purpose of this quiz was to ask people loaded questions and lead them to a specific conclusion rather than getting actual honest answers from the people who take it. It is there to contrive and present a skewed bias argument without any evidence.

Article II Bullies Call for a Stop to Bullying


This article is in reference to a series of anti-bullying ads starting in 2006. The long diatribe makes the claim that bullying isn't so bad and that it's an expected thing when growing up. It complains about the focus on gay youth who are being attacked and bullied in school. The biggest problem with this article is the number of assertions that are false made by Linda. Fee free to read it here:

Article III Christian Organizations Falsely Labeled 'Hate' Groups

This desperate diatribe is an attack on the Southern Poverty Law Center and their labeling of groups as hate groups. Which groups is she advocating? How about the Traditional Values Coalition.

Here is what the SPLC says about TVC.

Former Presbyterian minister Lou Sheldon has been warning Americans about the “gay threat” since 1980, when he founded the Traditional Values Coalition (TVC), which also is concerned with abortion and national security and takes on liberal activists on a range of issues. The TVC, which today claims to speak for 43,000 churches, lobbies Congress and also mobilizes churches to oppose legislation that it disagrees with. Sheldon’s daughter Andrea Lafferty, a former Reagan Administration official, serves as executive director of the organization.

The group has at times enjoyed remarkable access to the halls of power — during the George W. Bush Administration, Sheldon and Lafferty visited the White House a combined 69 times, meeting personally with Bush in eight of the visits. But that does not mean that it has not long had a record of extreme gay-bashing.

In 1985, Sheldon suggested forcing AIDS victims into “cities of refuge.” In 1992, columnist Jimmy Breslin said that Sheldon told him that “homosexuals are dangerous. They proselytize. They come to the door, and if your son answers and nobody is there to stop it, they grab the son and run off with him. They steal him. They take him away and turn him into a homosexual.” Sheldon later denied that he made the comments, but his website today includes strikingly similar language: “[S]ince homosexuals can’t reproduce, they will simply go after your children for seduction and conversion to homosexuality.” Elsewhere, it claims that “[t]he effort to push adult/child sex … is part of the overall homosexual movement.”

The TVC also asserts that “it is evident that homosexuals molest children at a far greater rate than do their heterosexual counterparts”  — a falsehood based on conflating male-male molestation with homosexuality. Gays, [the TVC site] says, molest children at “epidemic rates,” adding: “As homosexuals continue to make inroads into public schools, more children will be molested and indoctrinated into the world of homosexuality. Many of them will die in that world.” With regard to LGBT teen suicides, TVC, under the headline “Homosexual Urban Legends,” claims that “[t]he cold, hard fact is that teens who are struggling with homosexual feelings are more likely to be sexually molested by a homosexual school counselor or teacher than to commit suicide over their feelings of despair.”

The TVC also makes assertions on its website about disproportionate homosexual pedophilia and attacks the idea that people are born gay and the claim that gays want the right to marry for the same reasons that heterosexuals do — the TVC suggests the real purpose of marriage equality is to destroy the concept of marriage and ultimately replace it altogether with group sex and polygamy."
I wonder why they were called a hate group...oh yeah, it's because of the bullshit they're spewing about homosexuals. None of which is supported by facts or studies. Their leader, Rv. Sheldon has stated hateful, discriminatory things, in order to perpetuate a fear of homosexuals.

For more on such groups check out the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of Hate Groups:
Which includes:


MassResistance, “the leading pro-family grassroots activist group in Massachusetts,” began life in 1995 as the Parents’ Rights Coalition, became the Article 8 Alliance in 2003, and took on its current name in 2006. Its leader, Brian Camenker, is a programmer who was an official of the Article 8 Alliance and also headed the Newton, Mass., chapter of the National Taxpayers’ Association.

As president of yet another group, the Interfaith Coalition of Massachusetts, Camenker spearheaded the drafting of a bill that passed in 1996 and required that parents be notified of any sex education in their children’s schools. That same year, Camenker claimed that suicide prevention programs aimed at gay youth actually were “put together by homosexual activists to normalize homosexuality.” Later, MassResistance charged that groups like the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), which support school anti-bullying programs, actually want to lure children into homosexuality and, very possibly, sadomasochism.

At a 2006 religious right gathering in Washington, D.C., Camenker insisted that gays were trying to get legislation passed to allow sex with animals. "One bill in Massachusetts takes away all the penalties for bestiality," he claimed. "This is where this [homosexual] agenda is going." A little later, he added, "They [gays and lesbians] are pushing perversion on our kids."

In 2006-2007, Mass-Resistance pushed for an amendment of the 1996 statute that would have required that parents be notified of any discussion of gay or lesbian issues in the schools. The group proposed language that lumped sexual orientation (which includes heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality) in with criminal behaviors like bestiality and polygamy. During legislative testimony supporting the amendment, Camenker falsely claimed that no homosexuals died in the Holocaust and that the pink triangle the Nazis forced imprisoned gays to wear actually signified Catholic priests. The amendment did not pass.

Camenker, who has long focused on the purported “homosexual agenda” in the schools and frequently claimed gays are dangerous to kids, has repeatedly cited discredited claims from organizations like the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality that link homosexuality and pedophilia.

In 2008, Camenker made another accusation for which there was no supporting evidence at all — the claim that the state of Massachusetts had had to spend more money every year since same-sex marriage became legal in that state. That, he said, was because of “skyrocketing homosexual domestic violence” and because of the “extreme dysfunctional nature of homosexual relationships.”

This year, MassResistance called Boston Gay Pride events a “depraved” display that featured “a great deal of obviously disturbed, dysfunctional, and extremely self-centered people whose aim was to push their agenda.”


*Abiding Truth Ministries
Springfield, Mass.

Abiding Truth Ministries serves mainly as a launching pad for an international anti-gay campaign. Its founder, Scott Lively, is also responsible for a book, widely cited by gay-bashers, accusing homosexuals of running the Nazi Party.

Lively first emerged as an anti-gay activist when he became communications director for the Oregon Citizens Alliance, which was backing that state’s notorious Measure 9 vote in 1992. The measure, which failed, would have added language to the state constitution listing homosexuality, along with pedophilia and masochism, as “abnormal behavior.” Lively later served as California director of the American Family Association, another particularly hard-line anti-gay group (see below).

Lively is best known for co-authoring, with Kevin Abrams, The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party. The book makes a series of claims that virtually no serious historian agrees with: that Hitler was gay, that “the Nazi Party was entirely controlled by militaristic homosexuals,” and that gays were especially selected for the SS because of their innate brutality. The claims are entirely false; in fact, the Nazis murdered significant numbers of gays and made homosexuality a death penalty offense in 1942. In the foreword, Abrams adds that homosexuality is “primarily a predatory addiction striving to take the weak and unsuspecting down with it. … They have no idea of how to act in the best interests of their country… . Their intention is to serve none but themselves.”

Lively has taken his message abroad to Eastern Europe (see Watchmen on the Walls, below), Africa and Russia. In a 2007 open letter to the Russian people, he asserted that “homosexuality is a personality disorder that involves various, often dangerous sexual addictions and aggressive, anti-social impulses.” In 2009, he went to Uganda to speak at a major conference on the evils of homosexuality, saying, among other things: “The gay movement is an evil institution. The goal of the gay movement is to defeat the marriage-based society and replace it with a culture of sexual promiscuity.” He also met with Ugandan lawmakers. A month after Lively left the country, a bill was introduced that called for the death penalty for certain homosexual acts and prison for those who fail to disclose gays’ identities.

In 2008, Lively started the Redemption Gate Mission Society, a church that seeks to “re-Christianize” the city of Springfield, Mass., where he lives.

Article IV
:  Companies Supporting the "Gay" Agenda: Tell them what you think

In this lovely article Linda Harvey is attacking businesses that outwardly support gay rights or are indifferent.
They include:
Abercrombie & Fitch
6301 Fitch Path
New Albany, OH 43054
Phone-- corporate (614) 283-6500 or customer feedback by phone at
866.681.3115 or 1 614.219.5380

American Express
Executive Offices
American Express Company
200 Vesey Street
New York, New York 10285
Phone: 212-640-2000
Corporate Communications
208 S. Akard St.
Dallas, TX 75202
Corporate Issues: Mark Siegel
Thomas F. Cowhey, Vice President, Investor Relations
151 Farmington Avenue, RE2T
Hartford CT, 06156
Phone: 860-273-2402
Fax: 860-975-3110
General questions,
General telephone inquiries should be made to: 860-273-0123
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014
Barnes and Noble
76 Ninth Avenue
New York, NY 10011
Investor Relations:
(212) 633-3489
Best Buy
Customer Service, Web Site, Store and General/Corporate Inquiries
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So if you support gay rights support these guys.

Article V Does No Name-Calling Week Include Christians?

Where the hell do I start on this article?
Linda Harvey argues that the anti-name calling education is promoting hate against christians. Her primary thesis is that "Homosexuality itself is hateful". She goes on to name a few terms used to reference anti-gay proponents and defines them as hateful terms used to harm christians and conservatives.
In reality homosexuality can't be hateful, it's a sexual orientation. Hate is only found in people. People perpetuate hate by teaching it.

In regards to homophobe, or oppressor, these words are used to define the actions that certain groups of people are taking against others. In this case, this article, exemplifies the homophobia, the homosexualitymisia, and the oppressive nature of the conservative christains who are against gays.

Article VI Top 10 "Gay" Abuses of 2011

This will be the last article on this section of her page I'll rebut. Mainly because I'm getting tired of the stupidity and this post is getting quite long.

Several of the list I've already rebutted elsewhere. Like number 10 where Lind claims the LGBTQ community is trying to get chrisitan businesses to close down. This isn't true. The LGBTQ are only fighting for the right to be treated equally. Several "christian" businesses violated the law and discriminated against people based on their sexual orientation.

No. 9 is the assault of the sex change agenda on our children. Two lesbian women in California are raising their adopted 11-year-old son as a girl, a process they started when he was just eight. These twisted adults with their own apparent issues have lined up tragically misguided doctors to give this boy hormone -blocking drug therapy. We should all pray for this young boy and his adoptive parents.

She's referring to

Tammy Lobel formerly Thomas Lobel started a transgender transition at age 11 before he started puberty. He expressed a want to be a girl and has diagnosed gender identity disorder. His adoptive lesbian parents are supporting his decision. Linda obviously doesn't understand the issue with GID and the likelihood of issues later in life. Younger candidates for transitioning are preferred as it is easier to help them develop in their preferred gender. For more info
GID is an emotional and personal issue that shouldn't be subjugated to the prying eyes of people like Linda.

My No. 8 incident of homosexual abuse is Macy’s Department Store and its cooperation with sex-change anarchy. The clothing store fired an employee in San Antonio, Texas, who refused to let a man use the women’s fitting room. She claimed her religious rights under employment law; Macy’s claimed transvestite rights superseded faith. What happened to the Constitution? And what’s happening to America? I hope America avoids Macy’s after this anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-woman decision.

This one is simple, the employee agreed to Macy's code of conduct, which includes a non-discrimination clause which so happens to include sexual orientation apparent or otherwise. A transgendered person who identifies as a woman is by law a woman and in the eyes of Macy's is a woman. The employee violated Macy's code of conduct and that is why she was fired. Her religious rights don't exist in a setting such as Macy's. While Macy's can't discriminate against her purely for her religious views, she also can't act on them while employed there.

No. 7 includes a new arrow in the “gay” activist quiver: unapologetic violence. Vandals were caught on the security camera in an Oct. 15 attack against the pro-family group, Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, or AFTAH. Chunks of concrete with a threatening note were hurled through the window of the Christian Liberty Academy in suburban Chicago the morning before an AFTAH conference was held at the school. A homosexual radical claimed responsibility on the Internet, yet no arrest has been made. This frightening incident would have been headlines if the victims had been homosexual, but the media mostly ignored it.

This article comes from but no evidence is provided that it actually occurred. Considering WND's propensity for making up stuff, I'm not surprised it wasn't "headline news".

That said, this one incident, if it did in fact happen, is hardly comparable to the hundreds of similar crimes committed against gays by christians.

Here's a list compiled on wikipedia, with the largest swath of incidents being fairly recent.

Violent acts against LGBT persons[edit]

March 1970 – Howard Efland, a gay man who had checked into the Dover Hotel under the pseudonym of J. McCann, was beaten to death by officers of the Los Angeles Police Department.[7]
June 24, 1973 – The Upstairs Lounge in New Orleans, a gay bar, was burned by an arsonist, killing 32 people.[8]
June 21, 1977 – Robert Hillsborough was stabbed to death in San Francisco by a man shouting "faggot".[9]
July 5, 1978 – A gang of youths armed with baseball bats and tree branches assaulted several men in an area of Central Park in New York City known to be frequented by homosexuals. The victims were assaulted at random, but the assailants later confessed that they had deliberately set out to the park to attack homosexuals. One of those injured was former figure skater Dick Button, who was assaulted while watching a fireworks display in the park.[10][11]
November 27, 1978 – Openly gay San Francisco city supervisor Harvey Milk, along with Mayor George Moscone, was assassinated by political rival Dan White at San Francisco City Hall. Outrage over the assassinations and the short sentence given to White (seven years) prompted the White Night riots.[12]
January 1979 – Tennessee Williams was the victim of an assault in Key West, being beaten by five teenage boys. He escaped serious injury. The episode was part of a spate of anti-gay violence inspired by an anti-gay newspaper ad run by a local Baptist minister.[13]
June 5, 1979 – Terry Knudsen was beaten to death by three men in Loring Park in Minneapolis, Minnesota.[14]
September 7, 1979 – Robert Allen Taylor was stabbed to death near Loring Park in Minneapolis. A local reporter interviewed the murderer from jail and was told, "I don't like gays. Okay?"[14]
October 7, 1979 – 17-year-old Steven Charles of Newark was beaten to death in New York City by Costabile "Gus" Farace, Robert DeLicio, David Spoto and Farace's cousin Mark Granato. They also beat Charles' friend, 16-year-old Thomas Moore of Brooklyn. Moore was critically injured but managed to get help at a nearby residence. It was Moore that identified the four men via a lineup four days after the incident. Farace, the leader of the attack, plead guilty to first-degree manslaughter. He was paroled after 8 years, in 1988. He himself was murdered on November 17, 1989.[15]
1984 – Charlie Howard was drowned in Bangor, Maine for being "flamboyantly gay".[16]
May 13, 1988 – Rebecca Wight was killed when she and her partner, Claudia Brenner, were shot by Stephen Roy Carr while hiking and camping along the Appalachian Trail. Carr later claimed that he became enraged by the couple's lesbianism when he saw them having homosexual relations.[17]
1990 – James Zappalorti, a gay Vietnam veteran, was stabbed to death.[18]
July 2, 1990 – Julio Rivera was murdered in New York City by two men who beat him with a hammer and stabbed him with a knife because he was gay.[19]
1991 – Paul Broussard, a Houston-area banker, was murdered. He was attacked by 10 young men along with Clay Anderson and Richard Delaunay, who survived. All ten of the attackers were eventually convicted, with sentences ranging from a probation and fine for the respective hospitalization and funeral bills to the 45-year imprisonment of Jon Buice, who confessed to inflicting the fatal stab wound.[20]
October 27, 1992 – U.S. Navy Petty Officer Allen Schindler was murdered by a shipmate who stomped him to death in a public restroom in Japan.[21] Schindler had complained repeatedly about anti-gay harassment aboard ship.[21] The case became synonymous with the gays in the military debate that had been brewing in the United States culminating in the "Don't ask, don't tell" bill.[22]
1993 – Brandon Teena, a trans man, was raped and later killed when his birth gender was revealed by police to male friends of his.[23] The events leading to Teena's death were depicted in the movie Boys Don't Cry.[24]
March 9, 1995 – Scott Amedure was murdered after revealing his attraction to his friend Jonathan Schmitz on a The Jenny Jones Show episode about secret crushes. Schmitz purchased a shotgun to kill Amedure and did so after Amedure implied he still was attracted to him; Schmitz then turned himself in to police.[25][26]
November 20, 1995 – Chanelle Pickett, 23, an African American trans woman, died at the home of William C. Palmer after a fight that ensued after Palmer discovered that she was transgender and he demanded she leave his home.
December 4, 1995 – Roxanne Ellis and Michelle Abdill, a lesbian couple in Medford, Oregon, were murdered by a man who said he had "no compassion" for bisexual or homosexual people.[27] Robert Acremant was convicted and sentenced to death by lethal injection.[28]
January 4, 1996 – Fred Mangione, a gay man, was murdered in Texas by two Neo-nazi brothers. His partner, Kenneth Stern was also attacked, but survived. One of the attackers, Ronald Henry Gauthier, later received at 10-year probation sentence.[29]
May 1996 - Julianne Williams, 24 and Lollie Winans, 26 were murdered at their campsite along the Appalachian Trail on Virginia's Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park. They were bound and gaged and their throats were slit. To date, there has been no conviction in the murders.
August 1, 1996 – Nick Moraida, a 34-year-old Latino gay man, was murdered during a robbery. His murderer, Richard Cartwright, was sentenced to death penalty.
February 21, 1997 – The Otherside Lounge, a lesbian nightclub in Atlanta, was bombed by Eric Robert Rudolph, the "Olympic Park Bomber;" five bar patrons were injured. In a statement released after he was sentenced to five consecutive life terms for his several bombings, Rudolph called homosexuality an "aberrant lifestyle".
October 7, 1998 – Matthew Shepard, a gay student, in Laramie, Wyoming was tortured, beaten severely, tied to a fence, and abandoned; he was found 18 hours after the attack and succumbed to his injuries less than a week later, on October 12. His attackers, Russell Arthur Henderson and Aaron James McKinney, are both serving two consecutive life sentences in prison.[30]
February 19, 1999 – Billy Jack Geither, a 39-year-old gay man, was brutally beaten to death in Rockford, Alabama. His attackers, Steve Mullins and Charles Monroe Butler, were found guilty of murder and were both sentenced to life imprisonment without parole.[31]
July 1, 1999 – Gay couple Gary Matson and Winfield Mowder were murdered by white supremacist brothers Matthew and Tyler Williams in Redding, California. Tyler Williams was sentenced to a minimum of 33 years in prison, to be served after his completion of a 21-year sentence for firebombing synagogues and an abortion clinic.[32] Benjamin Williams claimed that by killing the couple he was "obeying the laws of the Creator".[33] He committed suicide in 2003 while awaiting trial. Their former pastor described the brothers as "zealous in their faith" but "far from kooks".[34]
July 6, 1999 – U.S. Army Pfc. Barry Winchell was murdered in Fort Campbell, Kentucky by fellow soldier Calvin Glover. Winchell was beaten to death with a baseball bat after rumors spread on base of his relationship with transgendered author Calpernia Addams. Glover was sentenced to life in prison.[35] The events that lead up to Winchell's death are depicted in the movie Soldier's Girl.
September 1999 – Steen Fenrich was murdered, apparently by his stepfather, John D. Fenrich, in Queens, New York. His dismembered remains were found in March 2001, with the phrase "gay nigger number one" scrawled on his skull along with his social security number. His stepfather fled from police while being interviewed, then committed suicide.[36]
October 15, 1999 – Sissy "Charles" Bolden was found shot to death in Savannah, Georgia. Police arrested Charles E. Wilkins, Jr., in July 2003; he admitted the killing, and was charged in two other homicides, according to the Savannah Police Department.
On April 29, 2009, The U.S. House of Representatives voted to extend federal law to classify as "hate crimes" attacks based on a victim's sexual orientation or gender identity (as well as mental or physical disability).[37] The U.S Senate passed the bill on October 22, 2009.[38] The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act was signed into law by President Barack Obama on October 28, 2009.[39]
July 3, 2000 – Arthur "J.R." Warren was punched and kicked to death in Grant Town, West Virginia by two teenage boys who reportedly believed Warren had spread a rumor that he and one of the boys, David Allen Parker, had a sexual relationship. Warren's killers ran over his body to disguise the murder as a hit-and-run. Parker pleaded guilty and was sentenced to "life in prison with mercy", making him eligible for parole after 15 years.[40] His accomplice, Jared Wilson, was sentenced to 20 years.[41]
September 22, 2000 – Ronald Gay entered a gay bar in Roanoke, Virginia and opened fire on the patrons, killing Danny Overstreet, 43 years old, and severely injuring six others. Ronald said he was angry over what his name now meant, and deeply upset that three of his sons had changed their surname. He claimed that he had been told by God to find and kill lesbians and gay men, describing himself as a "Christian Soldier working for my Lord;" Gay testified in court that "he wished he could have killed more fags," before several of the shooting victims as well as Danny Overstreet's family and friends.[42]
June 16, 2001 – Fred Martinez, a transgender and two-spirit student was bludgeoned to death near Cortez, Colorado by 18-year-old Shaun Murphy, who reportedly bragged about attacking a "fag".[43][44]
June 12, 2002 – Philip Walsted, a gay man, was fatally beaten with a baseball bat. According to prosecutors, the neo-Nazi views of Walsted's assailant's, David Higdon, led to what was originally a robbery escalating to murder. Higdon was sentenced to life in prison, plus an additional sentence for robbery.[45]
August 6, 2002 – Rodney Velasquez, a 26-year-old Latino gay man was found murdered in the bathtub of his Bronx apartment.[46]
October 3, 2002 – Gwen Araujo, a trans woman, was murdered by at least three men who were charged with committing a hate crime. Two were convicted of murder, the third manslaughter; however, the jury rejected the hate crime enhancement.
December 24, 2002 – Nizah Morris, a 47-year-old black trans woman, was possibly murdered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.[47]
December 12, 2002 – Terrianne Summers, a 51-year-old trans woman and activist for transgender rights, was shot and killed in her front yard in Florida. No arrests were made and police did not investigate her murder as a hate crime.[48] Terriane's high visibility as a trans woman due to her activist role has led her to be included in lists of anti LGBT hate crimes, although lack of police interest in her murder means the motives behind the killing may never be known.
May 11, 2003 – Sakia Gunn, a black 15-year-old lesbian, was murdered in Newark, New Jersey. While waiting for a bus, Gunn and her friends were propositioned by two men. When the girls rejected their advances, declaring themselves to be lesbians, the men attacked them. One of the men, Richard McCullough, fatally stabbed Gunn. In exchange for his pleading guilty to several lesser crimes including aggravated manslaughter, prosecutors dropped murder charges against McCullough, who was sentenced to 20 years.[49][50]
June 17, 2003 – Richie Phillips of Elizabethtown, Kentucky was killed by Joseph Cottrell. His body was later found in a suitcase in Rough River Lake. During his trial, two of Cottrell's relatives testified that he lured Phillips to his death, and killed him because he was gay.[51] Cottrell was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 20 years in prison.[52]
July 23, 2003 – Nireah Johnson and Brandie Coleman were shot to death by Paul Moore, when Moore learned after a sexual encounter that Johnson was transgender.[53] Moore then burned his victims' bodies. He was convicted of murder and sentenced to 120 years in prison.[54]
July 31, 2003 – 37-year-old Glenn Kopitske was shot and stabbed in the back by 17-year-old Gary Hirte, a straight-A student, star athlete and Eagle Scout,[55] in Winnebago County, Wisconsin. Prosecutors contended that Hirte murdered Kopitske to see if he could get away with it.[56] Hirte pleaded insanity, claiming he killed Kopitske in a murderous rage after a consensual sexual encounter with the victim, because he felt a homosexual act was "worse than murder". The 'temporary insanity' mitigation plea was not upheld, he was found guilty, and received a life sentence.
August 2003 – Emonie Spaulding, a black 25-year-old trans woman, was shot to death in Washington DC by Derrick Antwan Lewis after he discovered she was trans.[57]
July 22, 2004 – 18-year-old Scotty Joe Weaver of Bay Minette, Alabama, was murdered. His burned and partially decomposed body was discovered a few miles from the mobile home in which he lived. He was beaten, strangled and stabbed numerous times, partially decapitated, and his body was doused in gasoline and set on fire.
October 2, 2004 – Daniel Fetty, a gay man who was hearing-impaired and homeless was attacked by multiple assailants in Waverly, Ohio. Fetty was beaten, stomped, shoved nude into a garbage bin, impaled with a stick, and left for dead; he succumbed to his injuries the next day. Prosecuters alleged a hate crime. Three men received sentences ranging from seven years to life.[58]
January 28, 2005 – Ronnie Antonio Paris, a three-year-old boy living in Tampa, Florida, died due to brain injuries inflicted by his father, Ronnie Paris, Jr. According to his mother and other relatives, Ronnie Paris, Jr., repeatedly slammed his son into walls, slapped the child's head, and "boxed" him because he was concerned the child was gay and would grow up a sissy. Paris was sentenced to thirty years in prison.[59][60]
On February 27, 2005, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, 21-year-old James Maestas was assaulted outside a restaurant, then followed to a hotel and beaten unconscious by men who called him "faggot" during the attack. Although all of his attackers were charged with committing a hate crime, none was sentenced to prison.[citation needed]
March 11, 2005 – Jason Gage, an openly gay man, was murdered in his Waterloo, Iowa, apartment by an assailant, Joseph Lawrence, who claimed Gage had made sexual advance to him. Gage was bludgeoned to death with a bottle, and stabbed in the neck, probably post-mortem, with a shard of glass.[61] Lawrence was sentenced to fifty years in prison.
February 2, 2006 – 18-year-old Jacob D. Robida entered a bar in New Bedford, Massachusetts, confirmed that it was a gay bar, and then attacked patrons with a hatchet and a handgun, wounding three.[62] He fatally shot himself three days later.[63]
June 10, 2006 – Kevin Aviance, a female impressionist, musician, and fashion designer, was robbed and beaten in Manhattan by a group of men who yelled anti-gay slurs at him. Four assailants pleaded guilty and received prison sentences.[64]
July 30, 2006 – Six men were attacked with baseball bats and knives after leaving the San Diego Gay Pride festival. One victim was injured so severely that he had to undergo extensive facial reconstructive surgery. Three men pleaded guilty in connection with the attacks and received prison sentences. A 15-year-old juvenile also pleaded guilty.[65][66]
October 8, 2006 – Michael Sandy was attacked by four young heterosexual men who lured him into meeting after chatting online, while they were looking for gay men to rob. He was struck by a car while trying to escape his attackers, and died five days later without regaining consciousness.[67][68]
February 27, 2007 – Andrew Anthos, a 72-year-old disabled gay man, was beaten with a lead pipe in Detroit, Michigan by a man who was shouting anti-gay names at him. Anthos died 10 days later in the hospital.[69]
March 15, 2007 – Ryan Keith Skipper, a 25-year-old gay man was stabbed to death in Wahneta, Florida. Four suspects were arrested for the crime. The Sheriff is calling it a hate crime.[70]
March 16, 2007 – Ruby Ordeñana, a 24-year-old Latina transgender woman, was found naked and strangled to death in San Francisco, CA at 5:40 am.[71][72] Donzell Francis, who was suspected of raping and strangling Ordeñana, was convicted on December 23, 2009 and sentenced to 17 years and 18 months in prison for forcible oral copulation, robbery, assault causing great bodily injury, and false imprisonment of another transgender woman.[73]
May 12, 2007 – Roberto Duncanson was murdered in Brooklyn, New York. He was stabbed to death by Omar Willock, who claimed Duncanson had flirted with him.[74]
May 16, 2007 – Sean William Kennedy, 20, was walking to his car from Brew's Bar in Greenville, SC when Stephen Andrew Moller, 18, got out of another car and approached Kennedy. Investigators said that Moller made a comment about Kennedy's sexual orientation, and threw a fatal punch because he didn't like the other man's sexual preference.[75]
October 2007 – Steven Domer, a 62-year-old gay man, was murdered in Oklahoma.[76]
December 8, 2007 – 25-year-old gay man Nathaniel Salerno was attacked by four men on a Metro train in Washington, DC. The men called him "faggot" while they beat him.[77]
January 8, 2008 – Stacey Brown, a black 30-year-old trans woman, was found dead in her apartment. She had been shot in the head.[78]
July 1, 2008 – Ebony Whitaker, an African American trans woman, was shot and killed in Memphis.[79]
February 2008 – Duanna Johnson, a trans woman, was beaten by a police officer while she was held in the Shelby County Criminal Justice Center in Tennessee. Johnson said the officers reportedly called her a “faggot” and “he-she,” before and during the incident.[80] In November 2008, she was found dead in the street, reportedly gunned down by three unknown individuals.[81]
February 4, 2008 – Ashley Sweeney, a trans woman, was shot in the head. Her body was found in Detroit, Michigan.[82]
February 10, 2008 – Sanesha Stewart, a 25-year-old black trans woman was stabbed to death in Bronx, New York.[83]
February 12, 2008 – Lawrence "Larry" King, a 15-year-old junior highschool student was shot twice by a classmate at E.O. Green School in Oxnard, California. He was taken off life support after doctors declared him brain dead on February 15.[84] According to Associated Press reports, "prosecutors have charged a 14-year-old classmate with premeditated murder with hate-crime and firearm-use enhancements".[85][86][87]
February 22, 2008 – Simmie Williams Jr. was a black gender-nonconforming 17-year-old, who was shot dead on a street corner in Broward County, Florida.[88]
March 16, 2008 – Police say Lance Neve was beaten unconscious in Rochester, New York because Neve was gay. A man attacked Neve at a bar leaving him with a fractured skull, and a broken nose. Jesse Parsons was sentenced to more than five years in prison for the assault.
May 29, 2008 – Eighteen-year-old Steven Parrish, a member of the 92 Family Swans subgroup of the Bloods, was murdered by Steven T. Hollis III and Juan L. Flythe on orders from gang leader Timothy Rawlings Jr., in Baltimore County, Maryland after they found "gay messages" on his cell phone. The felt having a gay member would make their gang appear weak. Hollis III pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life in prison; Flythe was given a life sentence with all but 30 years suspended; and Rawlings was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. A fourth man, Benedict Wureh, pleaded guilty to being an accessory after the fact and was sentenced to time served, about 17 months.[89]
June 9, 2008 – Jeremy Waggoner, an openly gay hairstylist from Royal Oak, Michigan, was brutally murdered in Detroit. His murder is still unsolved.[90]
July 17, 2008 – Eighteen-year-old Angie Zapata, a trans woman, was beaten to death in Colorado two days after meeting Allen Ray Andrade. The case was prosecuted as a hate crime, and Andrade was found guilty of first degree murder on April 22, 2009.[91]
August 20, 2008 – Nahkia Williams, a black trans woman, was shot to death in Louisville, Kentucky. Damon Malone was charged with her murder, robbery, and burglary, and sentenced to 35 years in prison.[92]
September 7, 2008 – Tony Randolph Hunter, 27, and his partner were attacked and beaten near a gay bar in Washington DC. Hunter later died from his injuries on September 18. Police are investigating it as a possible hate crime.[93]
September 13, 2008 – 26-year-old Nima Daivari was attacked in Denver, Colorado by a man who called him "faggot". The police that arrived on the scene refused to make a report of the attack.[94]
September 21, 2008 – 22-year-old trans woman Ruby Molina's nude body was found facedown on the bank of a river in isolated and undeveloped area in Sacramento, California.[95]
November 7, 2008 – The home of openly gay Melvin Whistlehunt in Newton, North Carolina was destroyed by arsonists. Investigators found homophobic graffiti spray-painted on the back of the house.[96]
November 14, 2008 – 22-year-old Lateisha Green, a trans woman, was shot and killed by Dwight DeLee in Syracuse, NY because he thought she was gay.[97] Local news media reported the incident with her legal name, Moses "Teish" Cannon.[98] DeLee was convicted of first-degree manslaughter as a hate crime on July 17, 2009, and received the maximum sentence of 25 years in state prison. This was only the second time in the nation’s history that a person was prosecuted for a hate crime against a transgender person and the first hate crime conviction in New York state.[99][100][101]
December 7, 2008 – Romel Sucuzhanya, a 31-year-old straight Ecuadorean and his brother Jose, were attacked on a Brooklyn, New York street for appearing to be gay and for being Latino; they were walking arm-in-arm, which is normal for brothers in their culture. Romel later died from his injuries.[102]
December 12, 2008 – A 28-year-old lesbian in Richmond, California was kidnapped and gang raped by four men who made homophobic remarks during the attack.[103]
December 26, 2008 – Taysia Elzy, a 34-year-old trans woman, was shot to death.[104]
December 27, 2008 – 24-year-old Nathan Runkle was brutally assaulted in Dayton, Ohio outside a gay nightclub.[105]
January 2009 – Caprice Curry, a trans woman, was murdered.[106]
February 15, 2009 – Efosa Agbontaen and Branden McGillvery-Dummett were attacked in New York City by four young men with glass bottles and box cutters who used anti-gay slurs during the attack. Agbontaen and McGillvery-Dummett both required emergency room treatment for their injuries.[107]
February 18, 2009 – Two men were arrested in Stroudsburg, PA for the stabbing death of gay veteran Michael Goucher.[108]
March 1, 2009 – Three men entered a bar in Galveston, Texas and attacked patrons with rocks. One of the victims, Marc Bosaw, was sent to the emergency room to have twelve staples in his head.
March 14, 2009 – A gay couple leaving a Britney Spears concert in Newark, New Jersey were attacked by 15 teens. Josh Kehoe and Bobby Daniel Caldwell were called "faggots" and beaten. Caldwell suffered a broken jaw.[109]
March 23, 2009 – Two gay men were attacked in Seaside, Oregon and left lying unconscious on a local beach. The men regained consciousness and were treated at a nearby hospital.[110]
April 6, 2009 – Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover, an 11-year-old child in Springfield, Massachusetts, hanged himself with an extension cord after being bullied all school year by peers who said "he acted feminine" and was gay.[111]
April 11, 2009 – A gay man in Gloucester, Massachusetts was attacked and beaten by as many as six people outside a bar. Justin Goodwin, 36, of Salem suffered a shattered jaw, broken eye socket, broken nose and broken cheekbone.[112]
June 18, 2009 – Patti Hammond Shaw, an African-American trans woman, turned herself into a police station in Washington DC after receiving a letter saying there was a warrant for her arrest on charges of making a false police report. Despite producing documents supporting her right to be housed with other women, she was placed in a men's facility. According to her suit, officers “groped her breasts, buttocks and between her legs repeatedly and excessively”. She is now suing Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department and the U.S. Marshals service for the treatment she received.[113]
June 30, 2009 – Seaman August Provost was found shot to death and his body burned at his guard post on Camp Pendleton. LGBT community leaders "citing military sources initially said that Provost’s death was a hate crime."[114] Provost had been harassed because of his sexual orientation.[114] Military leaders have since explained that "whatever the investigation concludes, the military’s “Don't ask, don't tell” policy prevented Provost from seeking help."[114] Family and friends believe he was murdered because he was openly gay (or bisexual according to some family and sources);[115][116][117][118][119] the killer committed suicide a week later after admitting the murder, the Navy have not concluded if this was a hate crime.[120]
October 25, 2009 – Dee Green, a trans woman, was found by police unconscious, stabbed in the heart, and bleeding on a street in Baltimore, Maryland. She was taken to a hospital where she died half an hour later. Larry Douglas was charged with first-degree murder in April 2010.[121]
November 2009 – Jason Mattison Jr., an openly gay 15-year-old boy, was violently murdered and raped at his aunt's house by 35-year-old Dante Parrish, a family friend who had been in prison for murder previously.[122]
December 9, 2009 – Mariah Malina Qualls' body was found in a San Francisco hotel.[123] She was a 23-year-old transgender woman who volunteered and was a member of the Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center's TRANS:THRIVE community.
January 18, 2010 – The half-naked corpse of Myra Chanel Ical, 51, a trans woman of color, was found in a vacant lot in Houston, Texas.[124]
March 30, 2010 – Amanda Gonzalez-Andujar, a 29-year-old Latina trans woman, was found dead in her Queens, New York apartment. The autopsy found that her attacker, Rasheen Everett, had strangled her then doused her body with bleach.[125]
April 3, 2010 – Toni Alston, a black 44-year-old transgender woman, was shot in the front door of her home in West Charlotte, North Carolina.[126]
May 7, 2010 – Dana A. "Chanel" Larkin, a 26-year-old black trans woman who worked as a prostitute, was shot three times in the head by her client, Andrew Olacirequi, after she asked him if he was okay with them having sex despite her male genitalia. She was found dead on the pavement of a Milwaukee street.[127]
June 21, 2010 – Sandy Woulard, a 28-year-old trans woman, was shot in the chest in South Side, Chicago. A passing motorist found her laying in the street, and she was pronounced dead at the hospital.[128]
October 3, 2010 – A 30-year-old male known as "la Reina" (the Queen), Bryan Almonte, 17, and Brian Cepeda, 17, were kidnapped by a homophobic group of youths calling themselves the Latin King Goonies, sodomized by foreign objects including a plunger and baseball bat, burned with cigarettes, and tortured for hours. One of the teenage victims had wanted to join the gang the attackers were part of, but when members saw him with the 30-year-old, they later picked him up and took him to an abandoned apartment and asked him if the two had had sex. When the teenager responded positively, he was beaten and sodomized. The gang later picked up the second teenager whom they had also seen with the 30-year-old and repeated the process. They then lured the 30-year-old to the building with the promise of a party. When he arrived with alcohol, the gang tied him up and tortured him and made the 17-year-old burn him with cigarettes. They then robbed the man's 40-year-old brother, coercing him by putting a cellphone to his ear so he could hear his brother beg to pay them.[129][130][131]
September 11, 2010 – Victoria Carmen White, a 28-year-old black transgender woman, died of bullet wounds in her New Jersey apartment. It is believed she was targeted by her killer, Alrashim Chambers, for her gender identity.[132]
October 14, 2010 – Stacey Blahnik Lee, a 31-year-old black trans woman, was found murdered in her Philadelphia home by her boyfriend.[133]
November 17, 2010 – 18-year-old Joshua Wilkerson was found dead in a field in Pearland, Texas, after being beaten to death and set on fire by a friend of 5 years, Hermilio Moralez. This was supposedly a retaliation to unwanted sexual advances.[134]
January 11, 2011 – Chrissie Bates, a 45-year-old transgender woman, was stabbed to death in her downtown Minneapolis apartment. Arnold Darwin Waukazo was sentenced to 367 months in prison for the murder.[135]
February 19, 2011 – Tyra Trent, a black 25-year-old trans woman, was found strangled to death in a vacant house.[136]
April 4, 2011 – Quinn Matney suffered 3rd and 4th degree burns to his wrist after being branded by an unidentified man for being gay. The attack happened while he was taking a night time stroll on his university campus in North Carolina.[137]
April 2011 – Kevin Pennington, a gay 28-year-old male, was kidnapped and severely beaten in a Kentucky park by two men shouting anti gay epithets. David Jason Jenkins and Anthony Ray Jenkins face possible life sentences for anti gay hate crime.[138] On March 15, 2012, the Kentucky State Police assisted the FBI in arresting David Jenkins, Anthony Jenkins, Mable Jenkins, and Alexis Jenkins of Partridge, KY for the beating of Kevin Pennington during a late-night attack in April 2011 at Kingdom Come State Park,[139][140] near Cumberland. The push came from the gay-rights group Kentucky Equality Federation, whose president, Jordan Palmer, began lobbying the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky in August 2011[141] to prosecute after stating he had no confidence in the Harlan County Commonwealth's Attorney to act.[142] "I think the case's notoriety may have derived in large part from the Kentucky Equality Federation efforts," said Harvey, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky.[143] Mable Jenkins, and Alexis Jenkins plead guilty.[143]
April 22, 2011 – Chrissy Lee Polis,[144] a 22-year-old trans woman, was beaten in a violent struggle by two African-American women for entering the women's bathroom in Baltimore County, Maryland, which triggered her to have a seizure. A McDonald's employee, who was later fired, filmed the encounter and released the film on the internet; it since went viral. Teonna Monae Brown, 19, pleaded guilty to first-degree assault and a hate crime in the beating, and was sentenced to 5 years in prison, plus three years of supervised probation. The other woman was charged as a juvenile and committed to a juvenile detention facility.[145] See: 2011 Rosedale, Maryland beating
June 2011 – Rosita Hernandez, a Cuban trans woman, was stabbed to death in Miami.[146]
July 20, 2011 – Lashai Mclean, a 23-year-old African American trans woman, was shot to death in Northeast Washington DC.[147]
August 11, 2011 – Camila Guzman, a Latina transgender woman, was found murdered in her apartment in East Harlem, Manhattan.[148]
September 8, 2011 – Cameron Nelson, a 32-year-old gay man, was attacked at his place of employment in Utah.[149]
October 11, 2011 – Shelley Hilliard, a black transgender teen who had been reported missing, had her burnt torso identified by police in Detroit.[150] Her killer, 30-year-old Qasim Raqib, was sentenced on March 6, 2012 to 25–40 years in jail.[151]
November 15, 2011 – Danny Vega, a 58-year-old Asian-American gay man who worked as a hairdresser in Rainier Valley, Seattle was beaten and robbed as he was taking a walk. The beating left Vega in a coma from which he later died.[152]
November 17, 2011 – Cassidy Nathan Vickers, a 32-year-old black transgender woman, died from a fatal gunshot wound to the chest in Hollywood. Her killer, who is still unidentified, is suspected of also attempting to rob and non-fatally shoot another black transgender woman on the same day.[153]
December 17, 2011 – Charlie Hernandez, a 26-year-old who was openly gay, was stabbed to death following a brawl that included anti-gay slurs that occurred with two men after he accidentally stepped on some sunglasses.[154]
December 24, 2011 – Dee Dee Pearson, a 31-year-old transgender woman, died from bullet wounds in Kansas City, Missouri. Kenyan L. Jones was charged with second-degree murder and armed criminal action. Jones told police he paid to have sexual relations with Ms Pearson, believing her to be a cisgender woman, but hours after having sex with her, discovered she was not.[155] Angered by what he considered to be a deception, he got a 9mm-caliber handgun, found Ms Pearson, and killed her.[156] Kenyan L. Jones was arrested on suspicion of her murder.[157]
December 29, 2011 – The body of Githe Goines, a black 23-year-old trans woman[158] who had been reported missing 2 weeks beforehand, was found in a scrapheap. An autopsy set that the time of her death as much as 2 days before her body was discovered, and that she had been strangled.[159]
January 21, 2012 – Crain Conaway, a black 47-year-old trans woman, was found dead in her home in Oceanside, California.[160] Tyree Paschall Monday was arrested in connection with her murder.[161]
February 2, 2012 – JaParker "Deoni" Jones, a 23-year-old black trans woman, was stabbed in the head while waiting at a Metro bus stop in Washington DC.[162]
February 2012 – Cody Rogers, an 18-year-old teenager, was brutally assaulted and targeted with homophobic slurs at a party after defending a female friend who was also attacked.[163]
March 24, 2012 – Several transgender and crossdressing people were shot at and robbed in Florida by a man, suspected to be De Los Santos. 23-year-old Tyrell Jackson was fatally wounded in the shooting, which also injured 20-year-old Michael Hunter.[164]
April 3, 2012 – Coko Williams, a black trans woman, was found murdered in East Detroit, Michigan. The homicide may have been related to Coko's involvement in sex work.[165]
April 16, 2012 – Paige Clay, 23, a black trans woman, was found dead, with a bullet wound to her face in West Garfield Park, Chicago. The death was ruled as a homicide.[166]
April 21, 2012 – Eric Unger, a 23-year-old gay man living in Illinois, was attacked by a group of men on the way home from a party, while they shouted anti-gay epithets at him. The investigation is ongoing.[167]
April 29, 2012 – Brandy Martell, a 37-year-old trans woman of color, was murdered in Oakland, California.[168]
May 2012 – Max Pelofske, a 21-year-old gay man, was beaten by a group of youths at a party in Minnesota. Pelofske claims it was a hate crime, but police disagree.[169]
June 5, 2012 – Kardin Ulysse, a black 14-year-old boy, was attacked in the cafeteria of Roy Mann Junior High School by another group of boys. He was called anti-gay slurs and sustained damage to the cornea of one of his eyes, leaving him blinded. Ulysse's parents planned on suing the city for failing to supervise its students properly.[170]
June 23, 2012 – Mollie Olgin, 19 years old, and her girlfriend, Kristene Chapa, 18 years old, were found shot in the head near Violet Andrews Park in Portland, Texas. Olgin died at the scene and Chapa survived. Law enforcement has said there is no evidence to suggest that the incident is a hate crime.[171] The Human Rights Campaign and Equality Texas urged a thorough investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice, the FBI and Portland police to find the shooter.[172]
July 5, 2012 – Tracy Johnson, a 40-year-old black trans woman, was found dead from gunshot wounds in Baltimore, Maryland.[173]
August 14, 2012 – Tiffany Gooden, a 19-year-old black trans woman, was found murdered on the second floor of an abandoned building in Chicago. An autopsy verified that she had been stabbed to death. Notably, the body of Paige Clay, another young black trans woman, was discovered in April 3 blocks away from where Tiffany was found. The pair were known as friends.[174]
August 18, 2012 – Kendall Hampton, a 26-year-old black trans woman, died of gunshot wounds. Eugene Carlos Dukes was arrested in early September for her murder, and indicted later that month.[175]
August 26, 2012 – Deja Jones, a 33-year-old black trans woman, was shot to death in Miami. No arrest has yet been made.[176]
September 3, 2012 – The body of Kyra Cordova, a 27-year-old trans woman, was found in a wooded area in Frankford, Philadelphia.[177]
November 15, 2012 – Janette Tovar, a 43-year-old trans woman was murdered by her partner, Jonathan Kenney, according to police, who beat her and slammed her head into concrete. He was later arrested for her murder.[178]
March 1, 2013 – Sondra Scarber addressed a parent about her girlfriend's son being bullied at Seabourn Elementary School in Mesquite, Texas, and was beaten by him when he realized that she was a lesbian.[179]
May 17, 2013 – Mark Carson, a 32-year old black gay man,[180] was shot to death by another man who trailed and taunted him and a friend as they walked down the street in Greenwich Village, New York. When the two friends ignored the assailant's questions, the man began yelling anti-gay slurs and asked one of them, "You want to die tonight?" Elliot Morales, 33, was arrested briefly after the shooting and charged with murder and weapons charges on May 19.[181] According to police, Morales said he shot Carson because he was "acting tough".[182] Morales pleaded not guilty on June 19, 2013.[183]
See for cited sources.

And abuse No. 6 is the slander and libel against New Jersey teacher Viki Knox. Last fall, special education teacher Viki was very troubled by a pro-homosexual bulletin board display at the high school where she taught. She shared her dismay based around her Christian principles with a few close friends on Facebook. Before she knew it, her comments were headlines in the New York Times, she was suspended from her job, and state and national homosexual pressure groups were leading anti-”hate” demonstrations at the school calling for her dismissal.

Hardly slander, had we read the things she said to her "few close friends" on facebook you'd probably want to bitch slap her. You can read more here:

“homosexuality is a perverted spirit that has existed from the beginning of creation” is what she was reported as saying by the NYTimes. Now, while she has the right to think that, the so called "libel" didn't exist. It was a direct complaint about her statements in regards to a bulletin board at the school she worked at which was recognizing LGBTQ month. This is really a matter of her not maintaining the appropriate security protocols on her facebook. Linda, stop blaming other people's stupidity on gays.

Now, here’s No. 5: the passage of S.B. 48 in the state of California. This fact-free legislation that no one ever thought we would see in America, calls for sweeping pro-homosexual indoctrination in the public schools beginning Jan. 1, 2012.. Children will be compelled to learn about homosexuality, and those lessons must affirm this negative, high-risk lifestyle. California parents are outraged at such a discriminatory mandate, but short of repeal, their option is to remove their children from the schools or exit the state.
S.B. 48 was a win for gay rights by promoting prominent historical gay figures in history classes, often over looked because of the highly conservative groups that influence text book publication. Mainly the Texas State School Board which recently tried to add creationist BS into text books. They were shot down by the text-book publishers, for the record. Children won't be compelled to learn about homosexuality, only that there are historical figures that have had great contributions to our past endeavors who happen to be gay.
The assertion that gays have a "high-risk lifestyle" isn't true.

No. 4 on my list is the global homosexual agenda of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Just a few weeks ago, the White House and Secretary Clinton announced that United States foreign aid and support will be related to how well a country pushes homosexual behavior as a so-called “human right.” This agenda is not backed up by U.S. law, and is another example of warped priorities and inappropriate use of authority by this administration.
Another fallacious statement made by Linda Harvey. Obama argued that human rights are something that EVERYONE has a right to, including gays. And in his response to several African nations passing laws that bar, ban, or criminalize homosexuality with a wide range of punishments including death, the US wouldn't back said countries untilt he reestablished the human rights that belonged to gays. This is backed by US law in the form of the: First Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment. Got to love a person who doesn't read the law and claims to know things about it.

No. 3 is the deceptive “It Gets Better” video campaign organized by Dan Savage, a homosexual writer known for his sleaze and vulgarity, extreme even for a “gay” activist. This campaign exploits vulnerable children, as celebrities, regular folks and teens themselves post videos with the goal of discouraging suicide. That would be a worthy objective, if not combined with “gay” rights mythology. Kids are encouraged to stay the course, adopt a homosexual identity and thereby expose themselves to lifelong risk. Even the president has jumped into this effort, mischaracterizing this propaganda as an “anti-bullying” effort.
Ugh...the "It Gets Better" video campaign was organized to let gay kids know, by way of gay and straight supporters alike, that life gets better, the bullying tends to cease, and if they hang in their they don't have to go to extreme lengths to escape, including suicide.

The claims by Linda are, well, ignorant. It ignores all facts, and asserts that these videos promote homosexuality. When in fact they're addressing gay kids at risk of suicide to stop them from committing suicide. For me, this is probably the last straw I have for Linda. But I have two more things to debunk...

No. 2 is the attack on the federal Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA. Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have announced they won’t defend this federal law against lawsuits initiated by homosexual activists. Who knew that presidents get to choose which federal laws to protect and defend? Obama even told the “gay” pressure group, Human Rights Campaign, that he favors repealing DOMA.
DOMA, really? The Defense of Marriage Act was struck down as unconstitutional. It violated equal treatment under law for gays, and violated our rights as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. This wasn't an attack but a removal of a law that it's in violation of the constitution. It also had no rational basis to be preserved.

And the No. 1 abuse of homosexual activism in the United States in 2011, was the implementation of the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” allowing open homosexual behavior in our military. No one can yet know how damaging the repeal of the ban on sodomy will be – we can only guess – but there’s no question that it will damage the character of our armed forces and undermine their effectiveness.
Except, Linda, DADT violated the constitution again, and prevented completely capable, completely willing, gay men from openly serving in the military. It was a subversive act of discrimination and there is no reason to assume that homosexuals would cause any harm to the military since for decades gays participated in the military, unofficially out without any issues. The fact is that Linda wants us to believe that gays are going to cause a great deal of harm in areas where we have already been participating.

The fact that these laws are being repealed is evidence that homosexuality isn't causing harm and it's being recognized by the people of this country.

So, my readers, thanks for sticking to this post and reading. There are so many articles to debunk and so little time. But the fact remains that there are still opponents to homosexuality that are hard line right wing and christian. They use their religious ideology and beliefs to harm people who don't fit into their world view.

So thanks for reading, I'll post part four in a few days.

Lord Kristoffer Martin