Monday, November 11, 2013

Against Religious Propaganda: A Rebuttal to and Linda Harvey Part IV

Part 4) Cultural Health, Marriage, Law and Homosexuality.
The religious right who oppose homosexuality attempt time and again to connect it to disconnected and unrelated things to make it out to be some ultimately bad thing. So this section of my rebuttal will deal with her section on her website. Rather than directly countering every article and it's arguments, I'll give a brief summary of each article and then react to the whole bloody thing. 

A Consistent Pro Life Ethic Stands Against Homosexuality, Always: PRO-LIFERS NEED TO BE ACTIVISTS FOR TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE.

Summary: Linda Harvey in this article asserts that the heterosexual state is a god given gift, and that somehow homosexuality is a front to this gift, much like abortion. By allowing same-sex marriage, we deny the new life that comes from "traditional-marriage" and disrespects "god".

Designed by God, Male and Female
This article is the same run of the mill "god created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" argument.

Freedom to Marry, or Freedom to Spin?
In this article she makes four points and arguments against them. They are:
1. Are homosexuals being denied the freedom to marry?
2. [Paraphrased] Is the comparison of same-sex marriage equivalical to the bi-racial marriage of our early 20th century history?
3.  [Paraphrased] Does the constitution's guarantee of equal protection under the law apply to same-sex couples and marriage?
4. What about the effect on kids?

If You Support "Gay Marriage," You Also Support...
In this article she asserts several things that you support if you support gay marriage. Which includes: support of homosexuality spreading and the push for transgenderism. The continued rise in people getting HIV. An "immediate" increase in the number of Christians and conservatives sued over their discrimination. More people claiming to be gay. Churches silencing themselves on the "sin" of homosexuality. And the eventual persecution of people who are still against homosexuality.

Should California Declare Homosexuality 'Marriage' in Light of HIV/AIDS Data?
This particular article is very heinous in my opinion. Linda Harvey, simplified, is that because HIV/AIDs has a higher incidence in gay men that marriage for same-sex couples somehow will cause this to increase.

Statement on Supreme Court Marriage Decision
This particular article is plain bunk. The summary is essentially "God hates gays and the supreme court doesn't seem to care".

The Forgotten Victims of "Gay Marriage" WHAT ABOUT ALL THE CHILDREN OF AMERICA?
This article makes leaps to assert that because of the push for equality in the US children will be harmed. The normal gender roles will be forgotten and that we're teaching our kids that it's "okay" to be gay or transgendered etc.

The Sin-Based Family
Oh this one is a doozy, Linda asserts that by allowing gays to marry we're creating an unsound foundation for our society.

Wedding Cake Blues
A quote that summarizes this entire article by Linda Harvey in a few short words " Then Jesus Christ took hold of my life, and among many revelations, I saw homosexuality for the God-offending home-wrecker and life-wrecker it is. It’s becoming a nation-wrecker as well."

To point 1) Since god doesn't exist and christianity is a farce, the assertion that heterosexuality is a god given gift and that homosexuality is comparable to abortion is absurd. The marriage of two gay men to each other or two lesbian women also doesn't prevent the life that would come from a union. With the invention of genetic manipulation, either same sex couple could have a child. Two men can combine their semen using new techniques hand put it into a donor egg shell and get a child, as can two women combine their DNA in side one of their eggs and get a child. In vitro insemination and the use of a surrogate is also common and possible. These married couples offer new homes to the millions of kids who need to be adopted.

In fact, same-sex marriage, which grants the same rights that heterosexual couples have to gay (same-sex) couples would also grant the same rights to adopt in the country. Further still, all available and peer reviewed studies on kids raised by same-sex couples show no more incidence of gay kids being raised and they show kids more open and tolerant of other people. In a few studies kids raised by gay couples out performed kids, academically, whose parents are straight.

( From the last source given in my parentheticals "Twenty–three empirical studies published between 1978 and 2000 on nonclinical children raised by lesbian mothers or gay fathers were reviewed (one Belgian/Dutch, one Danish, three British, and 18 North American). Twenty reported on offspring of lesbian mothers, and three on offspring of gay fathers. The studies encompassed a total of 615 offspring (age range 1.5–44 years) of lesbian mothers or gay fathers and 387 controls, who were assessed by psychological tests, questionnaires or interviews. Seven types of outcomes were found to be typical: emotional functioning, sexual preference, stigmatization, gender role behavior, behavioral adjustment, gender identity, and cognitive functioning. Children raised by lesbian mothers or gay fathers did not systematically differ from other children on any of the outcomes. The studies indicate that children raised by lesbian women do not experience adverse outcomes compared with other children. The same holds for children raised by gay men, but more studies should be done." (Emphasis added.)

Number 2 and 3: God didn't create man as it doesn't exist, ergo the argument is moot.
Rebuttals to the four talking points and her answers.
1. Are homosexuals being denied the freedom to marry?
Linda Harvey argued that they're not denied, because they can marry the opposite sex as anyone can. However, this ignores the very purpose of marriage, which is love and care for a person. She seems hung up on a "biblical" interpretation of marriage (while ignoring all of the many different types that exist in the bible) which isn't relevant to today's culture. We've moved from the procreation/human property basis of marriage to the secular cultural need which is a psychosocial function ingrained in our social interactions. It is a reflection of our personal relationships and not of the greater social dynamics. 
2. [Paraphrased] Is the comparison of same-sex marriage equivalical to the bi-racial marriage of our early 20th century history? Linda says that they're not, while the bi-racial discrimination, an extension of discrimination against blacks was justly abolished, same sex marriages and homosexuality are absolutely sin.What Linda is ignoring is that if you go back seventy years, a hundred years even, it was christian ideology that was used to not only support segregation and discrimination against blacks, but to even perpetuate an argument for the reinstallation of slavery. If something unjust is in the bible and you ignore it or dismiss it, then you should probably dismiss further biblical injustices. Including the discrimination against gays.
3.  [Paraphrased] Does the constitution's guarantee of equal protection under the law apply to same-sex couples and marriage?  Linda says no on this one, I disagree. The constitution doesn't establish any law in regards to religion. So technically speaking, if a religion's beliefs are intrinsically involved with a specific belief, like polygamy, the constitution protects that belief structure. The laws surrounding marriage that are federal and state based aren't based on religion but on secular laws and secular social systems. As such, the laws must legally reflect equal protection under the law. According to the 14th Amendment everyone has a right to LIFE, LIBERTY, and the Pursuit of PROPERTY. Well guess what, one's life is one's own property and therein freedom (ie Liberty). How, Where, When, Why and with Whom that life is spent is up to each individual and those around them. No law can deprive those rights. Marriage is an extension of such rights and more importantly freedoms. Therefore, constitutionally speaking, marriage, as a privilege, falls under the purview Liberty and Life.
4. What about the effect on kids? As I've shown in part one of this post, kids according to all of the studies, aren't affected by gay people, parents or otherwise. 

Number 3: If You Support "Gay Marriage," You Also Support...Here is the problem with the assertions she's made. All of them are based on a slippery slope fallacy. If X, then a b c d e f g h i j k .... will happen and all society will fall apart.

Let's first address the spread of HIV. HIV isn't intrinsically tied to gay men. It is tied to communities that advocate abstinence only sex education and the social stigmatization of being homosexual.
The heaviest concentrations of HIV in the US are found in the south east. This region of the US has the greatest social stigmas around sex. They tend to advocate for abstinence only sex ed, fail to teach people about safe sex, the use of condoms, and so on. These same region also have the highest incidence of gay bashing and discrimination. What does this mean; it means that gay kids who are experimenting with their sexuality are doing so without appropriate education to keep themselves safe, and they're doing it in secret. This also means they're less likely to be tested on a regular basis for STIs in general and continue to have unsafe sex spreading STIs including HIV. In other words, if you support Abstinence Only Sex Ed, you support the spread of HIV.
Gay marriage actually supports stable long term relationships. This means more monogamous gay couples not having multiple sexual partners and ultimately it reduces the spread of HIV and STIs.
Kids are going to come out as gay regardless of if gay marriage is legal or not. This is because it's an inborn genetic trait. It isn't taught, it isn't conditioned.

Yes if you do support gay rights you support an environment where religious ideology can't be used to discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation. Just like if you support women's rights or black rights you don't support an environment where religious ideology isn't used to discriminate against those groups based on their skin tone or gender. Does this mean we'll see more christians and/or conservatives sued over discrimination? Will we see churches silenced on their social opinions in regards to the "sin" of homosexuality? Of course it does. You don't hear too many churches today claiming that blacks should go back to Africa or be enslaved again. You don't hear too many churches today claiming that women shouldn't be allowed to vote or only allowed to work menial jobs. These opinions, like their historical counterparts will eventually disappear. And just as blacks had to sue over segregation and sue companies and businesses who still wanted to keep them from using their facilities, so will gays. It's that simple. If you discriminate you'll be hit by lawsuits. 

This leads me to number 7: The Sin-Based Family

Gay marriage actually stabilizes and already failing institution. Where one in every three marriages end in divorce, and over half end in long term separations, marriage is a dying practice. There is no sanctity in marriage, and gay marriage only helps to stabilize and boost marriage stats. As a foundation, fair marriage and monogamous relationships create more stable households. and actually support a strong economic and cultural foundation in this country. Gays tend to have more disposable income, and when they are married they tend to invest and purchase houses. Over all this so called "sin-based family" and Linda's argument is bunk. 

Number 5: Statement on Supreme Court Marriage Decision
This is simple, the Supreme Court stated clearly that same sex marriage was legal and gay partners had a right to marry. End of discussion here.

Number 6: The Forgotten Victims of "Gay Marriage" WHAT ABOUT ALL THE CHILDREN OF AMERICA?
Okay, I've already shown that children aren't harmed by gay parents as all studies show, or at least those studies not rigged or lied about. So let's discuss gender roles.
Gender roles are a social system where each gender has an apparent social role and expectation. Women are the mothers, the housewives, the cooks and cleaners. Men are the breadwinners, the earners, the fathers. The former are gentle the later hard and rigid. The former emotional the later emotionless. These reflect the hunter gatherer social constructs. However, in our current age, both men and women can be the breadwinner, both men and women can be the stay at home parent. The gender roles have been rewritten for decades and this argument is an extension of early post-modernist (post WWII) conservatives. It has no real reflection on gender roles today. The attack also seems to stem from the push for gender neutral toys, like legos for both boys and girls. An ez-bake oven for boys, etc. This isn't a reflection on homosexuality, but a greater social shift and neutralization of gender roles.
However, Linda would love her readers to believe that this shift is being caused by and promotes homosexuality and transgenderism. Ignoring the long history of gender specific social roles switching genders. From actors to sewers to bakers and chefs etc. As our society moves away from rigid gender roles and accepts more neutral roles, the old gender roles are made irrelevant. This isn't going to be stopped by hating or discriminating against gays.

Attacking transgender kids isn't also going to help. These kids have a good deal to worry about in their lives, dealing with bullies, discrimination from many different groups of people, and targeting them to attack them and the greater LGBTQ community is deplorable. These kids need support as they develop, not to be attacked and lied about. 

Number 8: Wedding Cake Blues
A quote that summarizes this entire article by Linda Harvey in a few short words " Then Jesus Christ took hold of my life, and among many revelations, I saw homosexuality for the God-offending home-wrecker and life-wrecker it is. It’s becoming a nation-wrecker as well."

I have an answer for you Linda, it's because more and more christians are realizing that the biblically incited hatred of people based on their sexual orientation, founded in the misinterpretation of the bible, is both stupid and damaging to the religion. It is contrary to the foundational teachings of christ and ultimately isn't a valuable part of the religion, much like the beliefs that people should own slaves or that women should only have certain roles in society.

Well that's it for this post. Until next time and thanks for reading.
Lord Martin

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