Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Real Balanced Budget...Retardicans Take Note

Dear Readers
Before I post my next section rebutting the BS that is MissionAmerica.com and it's proprietor Linda Harvey I thought I'd comment on one of the biggest issues the US is facing today. One that few people realize is a problem and is very ironic to me and others who realize it is.

Time and again we hear GOP members arguing for a balanced budget. We must cut the discretionary spending in the US so we can get a balanced budget. So we aren't taxing people to death, etc, etc. We also hear from the same party that we need to expand our military while removing power from our government and president.

Heck here's a link to a March 13 2013 article from CNN exhibiting the push for a balanced budget covering Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/03/23/republicans-continue-push-for-balanced-budget/

Here's a Huffpost article that shows how the GOP budget plans expand military spending while cutting discretionary spending for public works. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/07/house-gop-budget-cuts_n_1495426.html

Even if we were to include the billions of dollars spent in stimulus for the economy, the extra costs, claimed by the GOP, that Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act) would add to our spending, we'd barely breech 1% of the military spending in the current budget for 2014.

The graphic shows the President's budget for next year (2014) and what I consider a properly balanced budget would look like.

If you're looking at this image, the President's budget seems pretty lopsided. When you see this budget pie-graph you should be going "What the Fuck" or "No wonder public education has gone down hill."

Compare the 2014 budget to my budget on the right and this 1950's budget chart and you might see why we haven't seen a balanced budget in decades.

What you should be asking is, why is our military such a fund's hog? How has our fiscal Federal budget gone from $108 billion dollars in today's money (taking into account inflation) to 16 times that to today's budget of $1.8 trillion dollars? The answer is that we've spent more and more money on the military industrial complex which includes energy subsidies for oil and gas companies. We've spent so much on excessive military expenditures and failed projects that we're hemorrhaging funds to maintain bad contracts. Meanwhile, the GOP, are pushing for less taxation, more cuts to an already weak section of our budget all to expand our military spending.

This is bullshit. This is why the GOP and specifically the loud mouth Retardicans among them, you know the Tea Party people...the ones who are in support of bringing back slavery potentially, yeah those people need to shut the fuck up.

In fact all GOP members and all Democratic members need to stop and thinking about what a real balanced budget looks like. It doesn't look like putting the hurt on millions of people in need so we can expand a military budget that is costing us hundreds of billions of dollars.

Look for my next post debunking Linda Harvey coming soon.
Lord Kristoffer Martin 

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