Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A War Continues

A War Continues:

I am Lord Kristoffer Jay Martin. I have a BA in creative writing and an MA in screenwriting. Oh, and I'm gay. In the 27 years of my life I've experienced a great deal of strife. From my biological father being a druggy, to my first step father trying to kill my mother and I, to the trials and tribulations of High School and University life.

So, there you have it, that is me in a nutshell. I'm a person who has experienced way too much in a very short amount of time and I'm someone who feels I haven't experienced enough of life's good things yet. 

Objectivity, the purpose of this blog.
In the last few months I've experienced a great deal of problems that have arisen in my life. From the minute, to major plans like moving to Los Angeles to working a film, just not working out as planned.
Then of course there is the greater concerns that I think about daily. How is our country going to get past this partisan bullshit that we have for a House of Representatives? Will the Affordable Care Act finally help people with the market place starting...and when for the love of the great Spaghetti Monster in the Sky's sauce is the website going to actually work ("Keeping trying" my ass)?

The problem with these things are that they still sit miles away from me as a person. They don't directly affect me, well okay yes I'm stuck waiting for an item I ordered from over seas to be delivered because of the shut down, but otherwise not much of an affect.

What does affect me is the avarice and stupidity that I see every day, and must endure every day. My mind, as is everyone's else's minds, are assaulted by stupid people. People who have no real understanding of life, reality, or how to govern themselves let alone other people. So, the purpose of this blog will be for me to, not only shame the stupidity of these people I encounter but, bring an objective light on the social whims of people who want power.

Rational Prejudice:
I have argued in the past and as I will argue now, there is only one true prejudice in this world.
I am not racist, I am not sexist, I am not ageist, nor am I politically slanted. I believe that all things in this world need objective observation and assessment without prejudgement. Except for one thing, and that is stupidity. I am a self proclaimed Stupidist. I am prejudice against stupidity.

Now before you jump all over me, Stupidity is not the same as Ignorance. I don't hate ignorant people, I am not prejudice against them, nor would I ever discriminate against them. I believe that ignorance is correctable, stupidity is not. Ignorance is out of the hands of those who don't know better. Ignorance turns into stupidity when the person who is ignorant refuses to learn. When they refuse to see things outside of their box, refuse to accept facts over their faith, and so on.

Stupidity is the redaction and rejection of intelligence. It is the active revolt against people who do know about the world, and an active attempt to damage said people's credit.

Target #1: Retardicans
Yes you read that right, I have coined a new word to describe the antiquated, narrow minded, plethora of stupid politicians that make up the GOP and more importantly the Tea Party.

Target #2: Religious Morons
The likes of Pat Robertson, Michele Bachmann, Bill O'Reilly, and Glenn Beck (just to name a few) are the sort of people I will argue against. Whenever I come across a stupid article or thing they've said, I'll post here and discuss the implications and reasons for why what they said is stupid.

Target #3: Liberal Imps The one thing that pisses me off more than Retardicans is the number of Liberal politicians who are too weak to act and correct their Retardican counterparts. For every stupid thing that a Retardican says there is an equally stupid response from the Liberal Progressive Left and the Democratic party. Qutie often it is overly verbose practice response that doesn't get at the meat of the problem.

(NOTE: Both sides are responsible for the mess that the US is in and through either inaction or deliberate action to harm the country.)

Target #4: Liars, Slanderers, and Libelous Idiots.

Beyond the politicians and the religious extremists, is the media. Both left and right wing biased sources need to just shut up. Objective news reporting isn't the same as false equivalence which is being reported now. The divorce of the media from telling the truth and the facts and replacing it with hyperbole destroyed our mental process to grasp the truth.

We can't stand for our media to lie to us. They are the voice we trust to tell us what is going on. When people like Bill O'Reilly spewing his beliefs as facts like "Science is guesswork, dinosaurs might not have even existed..." you have to ask why are they considered reliable information sources.

Post 1) Retardicans: Shut Down the Government Or Else? 
I want to address the reasons why the shut down occurred. Retardicans, basically the radical fringe of elected officials basically threw a tantrum. They lost their bids for law changes and policy changes. They denied the twenty-one attempts by Democrats to get talks underway with Republicans to discuss the budget. All the while they planned long ahead of schedule to shut down the government as a means to extort (that's black mail) the rest of the government into doing what they want. Today Wednesday October 16th, the day, a few hours, before the Debt Ceiling Deadline, have allowed the House to pass a bill to extend the deadline and reopen the government.

This is after people like Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and other media pet dogs of the Retardican Party stated that the Debt Ceiling wasn't anything. We can handle hitting that ceiling. We won't default.

Frankly these sixteen days of government shut down and near miss with the debt ceiling, costing us millions of dollars each day it was shut down and has caused massive economic loss, shows the ineptitude of the GOP and the Tea Party. And the extent to which they are willing to be hypocrites and the distance they would go to damage and harm this country, because they couldn't get their way.

But even with the passing of the bill to reopen the government and extend the debt ceiling, eighteen Republicans stood firm and voted to keep the government shut and to let the debt ceiling deadline pass. 
Tom Coburn (R-OK), John Cornyn (R-TX),  Mike Crapo (R-ID),  Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Enzi (R-WY), Chuck Grassley (R-IA),  Dean Heller (R-NY),  Ron Johnson (R-WI), Mike Lee (R-UT). (These are the top names, not all eighteen senators who voted no.)

Even as they pushed for the shut down in the House, and were reaming against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act a.k.a. Obamacare a.k.a. Romneycare, their plans were shown to be frivolous. Then, when they did shut down the government, they stated that they didn't know what they wanted to get out of this, something, but we're not sure (1). In fact the laundry list of what they wanted in exchange for letting the government reopen and to allow the debt ceiling to be raised includes: the Defunding of Obamacare, Delayal of Obamacare, Delayal of the Individual mandate, denial of health care coverage to the; President, The Cabinet, and Congressional Staffers. Make it so that Birth Control wasn't covered by health care,  approval of the Keystone Pipeline being opened, Means-Testing for Medicare, Change Federal employee pensions, Expand Oil Drilling, Block Net Neutrality, Tort Reform, Weaken/Stop coal-plant regulations, Tax Code Changes, Thwart FDA Coal-Ash Regulations, Repeal Medical device Tax, Change Rules on the Debt Ceiling.

All of these would have hurt the US if passed. The message that these Republicans above and others in the House of Representatives is sending is that they don't care about the people of the US. They care about the companies whom pockets they occupy. But this isn't the worst of it. Not only are they hypocrites when it comes to their actions, but their message that opposes the very actions they committed and caused to happen.

First, the Republicans are constantly railing against things they call tyranny. Things that our elected President have every right to do. While in turn doing the exact thing they're arguing against.

Let's look at say this article (

"The American Thinker article from June 2012 argues that Obama is moving towards tyranny, here's a direct quote:
Constitutional conservatives, who decry big government more than establishment Republicans, consider tyranny as the enemy. Government that increasingly violates the Constitution under Republicans or Democrats is, in measure, increasingly tyrannical.
Obama's government is the biggest violator of law in our history. His very methods of governing, which include bypassing Congress's constitutional authority to make law, actually show contempt for the Constitution and the American rule of law."

Yet in an underhanded, though not all that surprising, theft of power by the Majority House Leader Eric Cantor in the House Resolution 368 made it impossible for other Representatives from asking for a vote to reopen the government by declaring only he or someone he designated could do this. And yet it's the Retardicans who claim that President Obama has ceased power illegally? (2)

In fact the number of lies, slanderous and libelous things produced by the conservative and the extreme religious right is disgusting. What is scarier is how the mass media have shifted from objective reporting to neutral reporting.

Objective reporting is telling the truth, the facts, without bias. If the Republicans do something stupid you blame it on them and only them and vice-versa when it comes to the Democrats. Instead we see this false equivalency  If one party does something stupid  somehow, someway, the other party is also at fault. While the Democrats did play a role after all in the senate and house, after all that is their job, they did everything they could to stop the Retardican onslaught of stupidity. 

This is just one example of a laundry list of hypocrisy and stupidity on their part. But I do have an argument that I believe does in fact explain why they are the way they are.

A recent (blog) article from The Telegraph made an interesting point (3). The boys that attend the very old, very rich school, are taught that they are there to win. Win at any cost. Nothing matters but winning. To be a leader you must win, even if the position you hold has been proven false. If you don't answer their entrance exam and other evaluations with answers that epitomize this sentiment you might as well give up on going into politics. 

The same seems to be true of the Retardicans. To them, unless you're a member of their perceived special elite, you're not important. If it is your concerns that stand in the way of what they want, they don't care. They act from a presumed place of elitism. It's no wonder that the eighteen Retardicans who voted against Wednesday's vote to reopen the government are tied to the richest people in the US. This also begs the question of how exactly do they see the middle class and the impoverished classes? 
In part I think they don't even see us as people. To them we're canon fodder, pets, or wild animals, whom they can abuse as they wish.

I love because of some of the insane shit they post, but sometimes they get things right in a way I didn't see coming. See their article on things that are holding human beings back.

In the second page (linked above) the sentiment I just expressed is circumscribed by the author. We're slowly changing the perspectives we have on our fellow citizens. We see people in far off lands that die as collateral damage. Retardicans love to start war, sending the nameless faceless soldiers (from their perspective) to fight for something that those people may not believe in.

What I have seen in the last two weeks of the shut down and prior to that still by a decade of stupid bullshit that the Retardicans have pushed, from the Patriot Acts 1 and 2 to trying to ban abortion, forcing invasive inter-uterus ultra sounds, to illegal search and seizure at airports, to the government shut downs and everything in between, nothing has captured the elitist perspective that the elected GOP members and Tea Party members hold.

But, the worst part of it, is that they're not aware of the fact that they have this perspective. To them it is normal to look down on people, unless you want their vote. It's normal to criticize people for their sexual orientation or their race or heritage or living situation. That is why they can sit up on their self made pedestals and proclaim the bullshit they do.

Thanks for reading my first blog post. I'll be posting again on a new topic, the religious right and why people like Michele Bachmann are dangerous to the US.

Ciao for now.
Lord Kristoffer Martin.

Please send all comments to

(1)"We're not going to be disrespected," Rep. Marlin Stutzman (R-Ind.) told The Washington Examiner. "We have to get something out of this. And I don't know what that even is."

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