Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Answer to Russian Discrimination against Gays part 2

Dear Readers

In my first part post on this subject I discussed the use of the UN to force sanctions on Russia for violating the universal bill of rights and of course discriminating against their own citizens. While this is an immediate reactionary answer, a band aid for a far bigger ailment, that while it might stop the onslaught for a small period of time, would ultimately cause other issues including the possibility of Russia withdrawing from the UN altogether.

While I think it is the first step to enforce equality and extend a helping hand to the hurting LGBTQ community in Russia, the ultimate answer to the Russian discrimination is education.

It should come as no surprise that the anti-gay Russian Orthodox Church, which has a heavy hand in the organization and governance of Russia, pushed for an initial law banning "propaganda" which could easily be replaced with "education" to children about homosexuality. By preventing "propaganda' they stop any conversation that promotes equality under the law. The squelching of education and free speech on the topic prevents any positive message from being raised to counter the hate speech and negative message being pushed by the Church and Government.

Russia's effort to silence the voice of people on the subject also stigmatizes free speech for other so called taboo topics. The road that Russia has started down unfortunately leads them back to an oppressive government that is no longer a democratic system, not that their current system seems to be all that democratic even though they're supposed to be.

The surreal aspect of what we are witnessing in Russia is that it is the very thing many anti-gay groups in the US would love to see happen. If you silence the voices of those who support gay rights and equality, then the anti-gay voice reigns supreme. When that happens any truth or facts are drowned out by hate and lies and misinformation. It is of no surprise that NOM (The National Organization for Marriage) an anti-gay hyperchristian group deemed a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Office has sent their Chairman to speak over in Russia and to praise their efforts against the gays.

What should concern you is that these groups are advocating the silencing of people's voices, the violation of their human rights, and the demonization of a group for perceived perversion or dangers which don't exist. It is this sort of behavior, this avarice in ideology, that the Framers of the US sought to prevent when they created our constitution, and by extension it is what the drafters of the UN's universal bill of rights sought to do.

To Putin; your move to harm gays, to advocate beatings, to arrest supporters who present in a free voice guaranteed as a human right their opposition to your laws, is an act of attrition, a violent violation of volition, the silencing of the vox populi and it will not be tolerated.

Thanks again for reading,
Yours Truly
Lord Kristoffer Jay Martin

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